Tips & Tricks – Freeze (Final Fantasy 9)

Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

Freeze from Final Fantasy 9 is a pretty brutal status effect. It stuns the battler. And to remove it, a fire skill has to be used on the battler to thaw it. If not and a physical hit is dealt instead, the battler instantly dies! Here’s how to create that nasty status effect in RPG Maker MV!

You can grab the copy and paste code here: 

If you wish to give priority to fire damage thawing the battler:

<Custom Respond Effect>
// Get the fire element ID.
var fire = 3;
// Check if fire damage is dealt.
if (this.item().damage.elementId === fire) {
  // Get the Freeze status effect ID.
  var stateId = 110;
  // Remove the status effect from target.
// Check if physical damage is dealt.
} else if (this.isPhysical() && target.result().hpDamage > 0) {
  // Set the target's HP to 0.
</Custom Respond Effect>

If you wish to give priority to physical damage killing the battler:

<Custom Respond Effect>
// Get the fire element ID.
var fire = 3;
// Check if physical damage is dealt.
if (this.isPhysical() && target.result().hpDamage > 0) {
  // Set the target's HP to 0.
// Check if fire damage is dealt.
} else if (this.item().damage.elementId === fire) {
  // Get the Freeze status effect ID.
  var stateId = 110;
  // Remove the status effect from target.
</Custom Respond Effect>

Have fun with it!

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