Tips & Tricks – Living Dead (Final Fantasy 14) – RPG Maker MV

Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

The Living Dead is an extremely powerful effect in Final Fantasy 14. If an ally’s HP reaches 0 while under the effects of the Living Dead, they do not die. Instead, they become a Walking Dead, capable of living a few more turns. However, once these turns are up, depending on how much HP the ally has received, the ally may or may not die at that time. Here’s how to recreate this effect in RPG Maker MV!

You can grab the copy/paste code here: Place this inside of the Living Dead state’s notebox.

// Bypasses this state being cleared when the user dies.
<Category: Bypass Death Removal>

Place this inside of the Walking Dead state’s notebox. Change the values in red to fit your game’s settings.

<Custom Regenerate Effect>
// Check if the user is still affected by the Walking Dead state.
if (user.isStateAffected(142)) {
  // Check if the user's HP is 0 or below.
  if (user.hp <= 0) {
    // Set it back to 1.
</Custom Regenerate Effect>

<Custom Apply Effect>
// Set the amount of HP needed to recover for the Walking Dead to not kill the user.
user._walkingDeadHp = user.mhp;
// Set the flag for whether or not Walking Dead's final save has failed to false.
user._walkingDeadFailed = false;
// Create an animation on the player to indicate Walking Dead has activated.
</Custom Apply Effect>

<Custom Remove Effect>
// Check if the Walking Dead HP Healed requirement is undefined.
if (user._walkingDeadHp === undefined) {
  // If it is, set it to the user's MaxHP.
  user._walkingDeadHp = user.mhp;
// If the Walking Dead HP Healed is still above 0...
if (user._walkingDeadHp > 0) {
  // ...then the save has failed.
  user._walkingDeadFailed = true;
  // Set the user's HP to 0.
</Custom Remove Effect>

<Custom Respond Effect>
// Check if the Walking Dead HP Healed requirement is undefined.
if (target._walkingDeadHp === undefined) {
  // If it is, set it to the target's MaxHP.
  target._walkingDeadHp = user.mhp;
// Check if the user received any HP healing.
if (target.result().hpDamage < 0) {
  // Carry over the healing to the amount of HP the target needs left to save itself from death.
  target._walkingDeadHp += target.result().hpDamage;
// If the target's HP is 0 or less...
if (target.hp <= 0) {
  // Then set the target's HP to 1.
</Custom Respond Effect>

Place these notetags inside of the K.O. state’s notebox:

<Custom Apply Effect>
// Check if the user is affected by Living Dead and hasn't failed the Walking Dead save.
if (user.isStateAffected(141) && !user._walkingDeadFailed) {
  // Remove the K.O. state.
  // Remove Living Dead state.
  // Add the Walking Dead state.
  // Set the user's HP to 1.
</Custom Apply Effect>

Happy thriving!

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