Tips & Tricks – Curada (Final Fantasy Record Keeper) – RPG Maker MV

Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

Curada is a healing skill from Final Fantasy Record Keeper. It does the standard healing towards the target but the gives an effect where it will heal the next 2000 damage missing from the target whenever it is missing HP, allowing for better sustain.

You can grab the copy/paste code here: Insert the following code into your Stock Heal state’s notebox. Change the value in red to reflect your game’s settings.

<Custom Apply Effect>
// Default the user's stock heal value to 0.
user._stockHeal = user._stockHeal || 0;
// Add 2000 points to the stock heal amount.
user._stockHeal += 2000;
// Set the state counter to display the amount of HP stock heal will recover
user.setStateCounter(stateId, user._stockHeal);
</Custom Apply Effect>

<Custom Remove Effect>
// Clear the stock heal value
user._stockHeal = undefined;
// Set the state counter for the stock heal to 0
user.setStateCounter(stateId, 0);
</Custom Remove Effect>

<Custom Regenerate Effect>
// Default the user's stock heal value to 0.
user._stockHeal = user._stockHeal || 0;
// Check if the user is alive and if the user's HP isn't full
if (user.isAlive() && user.hpRate() < 1) {
  // Calculate the missing HP
  var missingHp = Math.min(user.mhp - user.hp, user._stockHeal);
  // Decrease the stock heal amount
  user._stockHeal -= missingHp;
  // Update the stock heal counter
  user.setStateCounter(stateId, user._stockHeal);
  // Gain the missing HP
  // Start a damage popup
  // Clear the results
// Check if the stock heal is depleted
if (user._stockHeal <= 0) {
  // If it is, then remove the state
</Custom Regenerate Effect>

<Custom Deselect Effect>
// Default the target's stock heal to 0
target._stockHeal = target._stockHeal || 0;
// Check if the target is alive and if the target is missing any HP
if (target.isAlive() && target.hpRate() < 1) {
  // Calculate the missing HP
  var missingHp = Math.min(target.mhp - target.hp, target._stockHeal);
  // Decrease the stock heal value
  target._stockHeal -= missingHp;
  // Update the stock heal counter
  target.setStateCounter(stateId, target._stockHeal);
  // Recover missing HP for the target
  // Start a damage popup
  // Clear the target's results
// Check if stock heal has run out
if (target._stockHeal <= 0) {
  // If it has, remove the stock heal state
</Custom Deselect Effect>


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