Tips & Tricks – Death (Final Fantasy 11) – RPG Maker MV

Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

In Final Fantasy 11, the Death spell will consume all of the user’s MP for a chance to inflict instant death. However, against major enemies (aka bosses), Death will deal damage based on MP consumed instead. We’ll add our own spin on it this time. The Death proc success rate depends on the user’s MP% when consumed. Here’s how to create this effect in MV!

You can grab the copy/paste code here: 

Insert the following line into your Death skill’s damage formula. Change it as you see fit. * 20

Insert the following Lunatic Mode code into your Death skill’s notebox. Change the values in red to fit your game.

// Display cost
<Custom Cost Display>
\fs[20]\c[23]All MP\c[0]\fr
</Custom Cost Display>

// Requires user to have at least 1 MP
<Custom Requirement>
value = > 0;
</Custom Requirement>

<Pre-Damage Eval>
// Check if the target isn't a boss
if (!target.isStateCategoryAffected('boss')) {
  // Set the damage to 0
  value = 0;
  // Remove the HP popups
  target.result().hpAffected = false;
</Pre-Damage Eval>

<Post-Damage Eval>
// Check if the target isn't a boss
if (!target.isStateCategoryAffected('boss')) {
  // Remove the HP popups
  target.result().hpAffected = false;
  // Get the target's death state ID
  var deathStateId = target.deathStateId();
  // Calculate the chance based on the user's current MP%
  var chance = user.mpRate();
  // Alter that based on the target's death resistance
  chance *= target.stateRate(deathStateId);
  // Check RNG if it passed
  if (Math.random() < chance) {
    // Check if the target is temporarily immortal from action sequences
    if (target.isImmortal()) {
      // If it is, remove the temporary immortal status
    // Add the death state
  } else {
    // Display a miss if RNG failed
    target.result().missed = true;
</Post-Damage Eval>

<After Eval>
// Set user's MP to 0
<After Eval>


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