Tips & Tricks – Skill Cost Mastery – RPG Maker MV

Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

Sometimes, we want ways to display mastery in skills. As such, one of the ways is to have the caster become more efficient each time they use it. For today’s Tips & Tricks idea, we’ll show how to make a skill cost less MP each time it’s used!

You can grab the copy/paste code here: 

Insert the following Lunatic Mode code into your skill’s notebox. Change the values in red to reflect your game’s settings.

<Custom MP Cost>
// Store the number of times each skill has been used by the user
user._timesUsedSkill = user._timesUsedSkill || {};
user._timesUsedSkill[] = user._timesUsedSkill[] || 0;
// Get the number of times this particular skill has been used.
var times = user._timesUsedSkill[];
// Calculate the extra MP cost.
var extraCost = Math.max(8 - times, 0) * 2;
// Add it to the current MP cost.
cost += Math.ceil(extraCost);
</Custom MP Cost>

<Custom Execution>
// Store the number of times each skill has been used by the user
user._timesUsedSkill = user._timesUsedSkill || {};
user._timesUsedSkill[] = user._timesUsedSkill[] || 0;
// Increase the number of times used for current skill
user._timesUsedSkill[] += 1;
</Custom Execution>


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