Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.
Today’s Tips & Tricks effect comes from Bravely Default’s Black Mage. For each party member that has the Black Resonance passive ability, Black Magic will amplify its damage proportionally. Here’s how we can create this effect in RPG Maker MV!
You can grab the copy/paste code here:
Insert the following Lunatic Mode into your state’s notebox. Change the values in red to reflect your game’s settings!
<Custom Confirm Effect> // Check if this is a magical skill that deals HP damage if (this.isSkill() && this.isMagical() && this.isHpEffect() && value > 0) { // Make a pool of the skill types var skillTypes = []; // Insert the skill types you want applied here: skillTypes.push(16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25); // Check if the current skill has the skill type if (skillTypes.contains(this.item().stypeId)) { // Create a count for the number of allies var count = 0; // Get the currently alive allies var allies = user.friendsUnit().aliveMembers(); // Loop through each ally while (allies.length > 0) { // Get the currently looped ally ally = allies.shift(); // Check if the ally exists and is affected by this state and if the ally isn't the user if (ally && ally.isStateAffected(stateId) && ally !== user) { // Increase the count by 0 count += 1; } } // No allies if (count <= 0) { var multiplier = 1.00; // One ally } else if (count === 1) { var multiplier = 1.10; // Two allies } else if (count === 2) { var multiplier = 1.15; // Three or more } else { var multiplier = 1.20; } // Adjust the damage by the multiplier value *= multiplier; // Round up the damage value = Math.ceil(value); } } </Custom Confirm Effect>
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