Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.
In Pokémon, the Moody passive is a fun passive trait which causes its user to randomly gain buffs and debuffs. In the latest version of the game, the buffed stat goes up quite a bit while the debuffed stat goes down once. The randomly buffed stat and debuff stat will always be different from one another. Here’s how we can recreate this effect in RPG Maker MV!
You can grab the copy/paste code here:
Insert the following Lunatic Mode code into your Moody passive state’s notebox. Change the values in red to reflect your game’s settings.
<Custom Regenerate Effect> // This is the number of turns the buffs and debuffs will last var turns = 5; // Create a pool for the parameters that can be changed var allowedParams = []; // Insert Param ID's you want to randomly add here: allowedParams.push(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7); // Make a copy of the pool var result = allowedParams.slice(); // Initialize the parameter ID var paramId; // Loop through each of the copied pool's parameters while (result.length > 0) { // Get a randomly looped parameter paramId = result[Math.floor(Math.random() * result.length)]; // Remove it from the copied pool result.splice(result.indexOf(paramId), 1); // Check if the user isn't at max buffs for that stat if (!user.isMaxBuffAffected(paramId)) { // Buff the user twice for that stat user.addBuff(paramId, turns); user.addBuff(paramId, turns); // Break the loop break; } } // Make a copy of the pool again var result = allowedParams.slice(); // Check if the previously initialized parameter has a value if (paramId !== undefined) { // Get the index of the parameter var index = result.indexOf(paramId); // If it is 0 or greater if (index > -1) { // Then remove it from the pool result.splice(index, 1); } } // Loop through the copied pool once more while (result.length > 0) { // Get a randomly looped parameter paramId = result[Math.floor(Math.random() * result.length)]; // Remove the looped parameter from the pool result = result.splice(result.indexOf(paramId), 1); // Check if the user isn't at max debuffs for that parameter if (!user.isMaxDebuffAffected(paramId)) { // Then add a debuff to that parameter user.addDebuff(paramId, turns); // Break the loop break; } } </Custom Regenerate Effect>
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