Eventing a Mining System – RPG Maker MV

Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

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Eventing a mining system can be done a number of ways, but making the mining system efficient is a different story altogether. Here is one of the many ways you can tackle a mining system for your RPG Maker project!

You can grab the copy/paste code here:

For those who would like to get the code used for the script call, copy and paste the code here. Change the values in red to fit your game’s settings.

// This is the item ID set by variable 1.
var itemId = $gameVariables.value(1);

// Get the item that uses the item ID.
var item = $dataItems[itemId]; 

// Get the total number of items mined.
var total = $gameVariables.value(2);

// Grant the party the total number of items.
$gameParty.gainItem(item, total);

For those who would like to see how the events are structured from the video, look below!

Coal Vein – Basic Event

Page 1: Trigger > Parallel Process

Comment:// Determine this mineral vein's yield
Control Variables:#0043 Self Var Vein Yield = Random 20..25
Comment:// Set a self switch to indicate this even is initialized
Control Self Switch:A = ON

Page 2: Conditions > Self Variable >= 0, Self Switch A; Trigger > Parallel Process

Comment:// If this mineral vein is empty, wait a bit before
Comment:setting its location to the corner of the map and
Comment:then erasing it.
Wait:60 frames
Set Event Location:This Event, (0,0)
Erase Event

Page 3: Conditions > Self Variable >= 1, Self Switch A; Trigger > Action Button

Comment:// Variable 1: Determine item to be received.
Comment:   Insert item ID into this variable.
Control Variables:#0001 Temp Variable 1 = 51
Comment:// Run the mining common event.
Common Event:Mining Prompt

Page 4: Conditions > Self Variable >= 5, Self Switch A; Trigger > Action Button

Comment:// Call this event's page 3 event list.
Plugin Command:CallEvent 1, Map 8, Page 3

Page 5: Conditions > Self Variable >= 10, Self Switch A; Trigger > Action Button

Comment:// Call this event's page 3 event list.
Plugin Command:CallEvent 1, Map 8, Page 3

And that’s it for the Coal Vein event!

Copper Vein – Basic Event

Page 1: Trigger > Parallel Process

Comment:// Determine this mineral vein's yield
Control Variables:#0043 Self Var Vein Yield = Random 15..20
Comment:// Set a self switch to indicate this even is initialized
Control Self Switch:A = ON

Page 2: Conditions > Self Variable >= 0, Self Switch A; Trigger > Parallel Process

Comment:// If this mineral vein is empty, wait a bit before
Comment:setting its location to the corner of the map and
Comment:then erasing it.
Wait:60 frames
Set Event Location:This Event, (0,0)
Erase Event

Page 3: Conditions > Self Variable >= 1, Self Switch A; Trigger > Action Button

Comment:// Variable 1: Determine item to be received.
Comment:   Insert item ID into this variable.
Control Variables:#0001 Temp Variable 1 = 52
Comment:// Run the mining common event.
Common Event:Mining Prompt

Page 4: Conditions > Self Variable >= 5, Self Switch A; Trigger > Action Button

Comment:// Call this event's page 3 event list.
Plugin Command:CallEvent 2, Map 8, Page 3

Page 5: Conditions > Self Variable >= 10, Self Switch A; Trigger > Action Button

Comment:// Call this event's page 3 event list.
Plugin Command:CallEvent 2, Map 8, Page 3

And that’s it for the Copper Vein event!

Iron Vein – Basic Event

Page 1: Trigger > Parallel Process

Comment:// Determine this mineral vein's yield
Control Variables:#0043 Self Var Vein Yield = Random 10..15
Comment:// Set a self switch to indicate this even is initialized
Control Self Switch:A = ON

Page 2: Conditions > Self Variable >= 0, Self Switch A; Trigger > Parallel Process

Comment:// If this mineral vein is empty, wait a bit before
Comment:setting its location to the corner of the map and
Comment:then erasing it.
Wait:60 frames
Set Event Location:This Event, (0,0)
Erase Event

Page 3: Conditions > Self Variable >= 1, Self Switch A; Trigger > Action Button

Comment:// Variable 1: Determine item to be received.
Comment:   Insert item ID into this variable.
Control Variables:#0001 Temp Variable 1 = 53
Comment:// Run the mining common event.
Common Event:Mining Prompt

Page 4: Conditions > Self Variable >= 5, Self Switch A; Trigger > Action Button

Comment:// Call this event's page 3 event list.
Plugin Command:CallEvent 3, Map 8, Page 3

Page 5: Conditions > Self Variable >= 10, Self Switch A; Trigger > Action Button

Comment:// Call this event's page 3 event list.
Plugin Command:CallEvent 3, Map 8, Page 3

And that’s it for the Iron Vein event!

Mining Prompt – Common Event

Insert this into a common event.

Comment:// Display a message based on variable 1's Item ID
Text:None, Dim, Bottom
Text\>            \<Looks like I can mine some \c[4]\ii[\v[1]]\c[0] here.
Show Choices:\i[90]Mine \c[4]\ii[\v[1]]\c[0], \i[91]Don't Mine (Window, Right, #1, #2)
When \i[90]Mine \c[4]\ii[\v[1]]\c[0] 
Comment:// If Mine, run the Start Mining common event
Common Event:Start Mining

When \i[91]Don't Mine 
Comment:// Do nothing


And that’s it for the Mining Prompt common event!

Start Mining – Common Event

Insert this into a common event.

Comment:\\ Variable 2: This is how much of Var1's item has been mined.
Comment:   Set this value to 0 to start with.
Control Variables:#0002 Temp Variable 2 = 0
Comment:\\ Variable 2: This is how much of Var1's item has been mined.
Comment:   Set this value to 0 to start with.
Comment:\\ Create the loop.
Comment:\\ Increase Variable 2 by +1.
Comment:   Decrease Self Variable: Vein Yield by -1.
Control Variables:#0002 Temp Variable 2 += 1
Control Variables:#0043 Self Var Vein Yield -= 1
Comment:\\ Display a Gab message indicating the amount currently mined.
Comment:   Also include a message on how to cancel the mining.
Plugin Command:GabText Mined x\v[2] \c[4]\ii[\v[1]]\c[0] total. \}(Hold \c[6]X\c[0] to stop mining)\{
Plugin Command:ForceGab
Comment:// Play an animation on the mineral being mined.
Show Animation:This Event, Pierce Effect (Wait)
Comment:\\ Conditional branch to check if the Cancel Button is being pressed.
If:Button [Cancel] is pressed down
Comment:\\ If it is, break the loop.
Break Loop

Comment:\\ Conditional branch to check if the mineral vein is empty.
If:Self Var Vein Yield ≤ 0
Comment:\\ If it is, break the loop.
Break Loop


Repeat Above
Comment:\\ Run a script call to add the total mined minerals to the player's inventory.
Script:// This is the item ID set by variable 1.
Scriptvar itemId = $gameVariables.value(1);
Script// Get the item that uses the item ID.
Scriptvar item = $dataItems[itemId]; 
Script// Get the total number of items mined.
Scriptvar total = $gameVariables.value(2);
Script// Grant the party the total number of items.
Script$gameParty.gainItem(item, total);
Comment:\\ Show a gab message indicating how much the player has acquired.
Plugin Command:GabText You've acquired x\v[2] \c[4]\ii[\v[1]]\c[0] from mining.
Plugin Command:ForceGab
Comment:\\ Play a sound effect, too.
Play SE:Item1 (90, 100, 0)

And that’s it for the Start Mining common event!

Happy RPG Making!