Template:VisuMZ Visual Novel Picture Busts Plugin Commands

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The following are Plugin Commands that come with this plugin. They can be accessed through the Plugin Command event command.


Basic-Bust Plugin Commands

VNPicBust Basic EnterExitChange.gif


VNPicBust Basic Command1.png

BASIC: Enter Bust
- Generic entrance for ONE picture bust.
- Walks in from a little behind and fades in.

  Picture ID:
  - What is the Picture ID to associate with this bust?
  - You may use JavaScript code.

    Picture File:
    - What picture file do you wish to use?

    - What kind of origin setting do you wish to use for this bust?
    - Upper Left
    - Center
    - Bust

  Screen Position:
  - Insert a screen position value from 0 to 10.
  - Coordinates are determined by Plugin Parameters.
  - Refer to "Quick Understanding on How Busts Work" to understand how
    "Predetermined Positioning" positioning works by default.

    Start Offset X:
    - What starting position to enter the bust from?
    - Negative: behind; Positive: front.
    - You may use JavaScript.

    Start Offset Y:
    - What starting position to enter the bust from?
    - Negative: up; Positive: down.
    - You may use JavaScript.

    Entrance Easing:
    - Select which easing type you wish to apply.

  Horizontal Mirror:
  - Apply horizontal mirroring for this bust?
    - None
    - Mirror
    - Auto
    - Auto-Reverse

  - Duration in frames for the bust entrance.


VNPicBust Basic Command2.png

BASIC: Exit Bust(s)
- Generic exit for picture bust(s).
- Walks back and fades out.

  Picture ID(s):
  - What Picture ID(s) to associate with this command?
  - You may use JavaScript code.

    End Offset X:
    - What end position to exit the bust to?
    - Negative: behind; Positive: front.
    - You may use JavaScript.

    End Offset Y:
    - What end position to exit the bust to?
    - Negative: up; Positive: down.
    - You may use JavaScript.

    Exit Easing:
    - Select which easing type you wish to apply.

    Flip Direction:
    - Flip direction when exiting?

  - Duration in frames for the bust exit.

  - Automatically erase the bust(s) after fading out completely?


VNPicBust Basic Command3.png

BASIC: Graphic Change
- Changes ONE bust's graphic without changing any of its other properties.
- Useful for quickly changing facial expressions or poses.

  Picture ID:
  - What is the Picture ID to associate with this bust?
  - You may use JavaScript code.

  Picture File:
  - What picture file do you wish to use?


VNPicBust Basic Mirror.gif

VNPicBust Basic Command4.png

BASIC: Mirror Bust(s)
- Change the facing direction the bust(s).
- This alters the horizontal scaling of the bust(s).

  Picture ID(s):
  - What Picture ID(s) to associate with this command?
  - You may use JavaScript code.

  Horizontal Mirror:
  - How do you wish to affect the mirroring for the bust(s)?
    - None
    - Mirror
    - Auto
    - Auto-Reverse
    - Toggle


VNPicBust Basic Origin.gif

VNPicBust Basic Command5.png

BASIC: Origin Change Bust(s)
- Change the origin/anchor for bust(s).

  Picture ID(s):
  - What Picture ID(s) to associate with this command?
  - You may use JavaScript code.

    - Pick what kind of origin setting to use for this bust?
    - "Bust" value is based on Plugin Parameters.
      - Upper Left
      - Center
      - Bust

  - Duration in frames for the origin change.


VNPicBust Basic Animation.gif

VNPicBust Basic Command6.png

BASIC: Play Animation on Bust(s)
- Plays a specific battle animation on bust(s).

  Picture ID(s):
  - What Picture ID(s) to associate with this command?
  - You may use JavaScript code.

    Battle Animation ID:
    - Select which battle animation to play on bust.

      Mirror Animation?:
      - Mirror the animation effect?

  Wait For Animation?:
  - Wait until the animation is finished before continuing?


Fade-Bust Plugin Commands

VNPicBust Fading.gif


FADE: Fade In Bust(s)
- Brings selected picture bust(s) opacity levels to 255.

  Picture ID(s):
  - What Picture ID(s) to associate with this command?
  - You may use JavaScript code.

  - Duration in frames for the bust fade in.


FADE: Fade Out Bust(s)
- Brings selected picture bust(s) opacity levels to 0.

  Picture ID(s):
  - What Picture ID(s) to associate with this command?
  - You may use JavaScript code.

  - Duration in frames for the bust fade out.

    - Automatically erase the bust(s) after fading out completely?


FADE: Opacity By X, Bust(s)
- Adjusts selected picture bust(s) opacity levels relatively.

  Picture ID(s):
  - What Picture ID(s) to associate with this command?
  - You may use JavaScript code.

  Adjust Opacity:
  - Adjust opacity value of pictures by this amount.
  - Negative: Lower, Positive: Higher.
  - You may use JavaScript.

  - Duration in frames for the bust fading.


FADE: Opacity To X, Bust(s)
- Brings selected picture bust(s) opacity levels to a custom value.

  Picture ID(s):
  - What Picture ID(s) to associate with this command?
  - You may use JavaScript code.

  Target Opacity:
  - What opacity value do you wish to adjust the bust to?
  - Use a value between 0 and 255.

  - Duration in frames for the bust fading.


Movement-Bust Plugin Commands

VNPicBust Movement.gif


MOVE: Move Bust(s) By Coordinates
- Move bust(s) relative to current coordinates(s).

  Picture ID(s):
  - What Picture ID(s) to associate with this command?
  - You may use JavaScript code.

    Move By X:
    - Negative: left; Positive: right; "Unchanged" for none.
    - You may use JavaScript.

    Move By Y:
    - Negative: up; Positive: down; "Unchanged" for none.
    - You may use JavaScript.

    Move Easing:
    - Select which easing type you wish to apply.

  Flip Direction:
  - Flip direction when moving?

  - Duration in frames for the bust movement.


MOVE: Move Bust(s) By Position
- Move bust(s) relative to current position(s).

  Picture ID(s):
  - What Picture ID(s) to associate with this command?
  - You may use JavaScript code.

    Move By Position:
    - Negative: left; Positive: right; "Unchanged" for none.
    - You may use JavaScript.
    - Results between 0 and 10.

    Move Easing:
    - Select which easing type you wish to apply.

  Flip Direction:
  - Flip direction when moving?

  - Duration in frames for the bust movement.


MOVE: Move Bust(s) to Coordinates
- Move bust(s) to exact coordinates(s).

  Picture ID(s):
  - What Picture ID(s) to associate with this command?
  - You may use JavaScript code.

    Target X:
    - Target X coordinate.
    - "Unchanged" for no changes.
    - You may use JavaScript.

    Target Y:
    - Target Y coordinate.
    - "Unchanged" for no changes.
    - You may use JavaScript.

    Move Easing:
    - Select which easing type you wish to apply.

  Flip Direction:
  - Flip direction when moving?

  - Duration in frames for the bust movement.


MOVE: Move Bust(s) to Position
- Move bust(s) to the predetermined position.

  Picture ID(s):
  - What Picture ID(s) to associate with this command?
  - You may use JavaScript code.

    Target Position:
    - Target predetermined position from 0 to 10.
    - You may use JavaScript.

    Move Easing:
    - Select which easing type you wish to apply.

  Flip Direction:
  - Flip direction when moving?

  - Duration in frames for the bust movement.


MOVE: Reset Bust(s) to Position
- Reset bust(s) to the current position(s).

  Picture ID(s):
  - What Picture ID(s) to associate with this command?
  - You may use JavaScript code.

    Move Easing:
    - Select which easing type you wish to apply.

  Flip Direction:
  - Flip direction when moving?

  - Duration in frames for the bust movement.


Scaling-Bust Plugin Commands

VNPicBust Scaling.gif


SCALE: Scale Bust(s) By
- Scale bust(s) by specific amounts.
- Value scale: 100 = 100% = 1.0

  Picture ID(s):
  - What Picture ID(s) to associate with this command?
  - You may use JavaScript code.

    Scale X By:
    - Alter (additively) the X scaling value by this.
    - You may use JavaScript.

    Scale Y By:
    - Alter (additively) the Y scaling value by this.
    - You may use JavaScript.

  - Duration in frames for the bust scaling.


SCALE: Scale Bust(s) To
- Scale bust(s) to specific values.
- Value scale: 100 = 100% = 1.0

  Picture ID(s):
  - What Picture ID(s) to associate with this command?
  - You may use JavaScript code.

    Scale X By:
    - Set X scaling value to this.
    - You may use JavaScript.
    - "Unchanged" for no changes.

    Scale Y By:
    - Set Y scaling value to this.
    - You may use JavaScript.
    - "Unchanged" for no changes.

  - Duration in frames for the bust scaling.


SCALE: Scale Reset Bust(s)
- Resets the scale for bust(s) to the default settings in the
  Plugin Parameters.

  Picture ID(s):
  - What Picture ID(s) to associate with this command?
  - You may use JavaScript code.

  - Duration in frames for the bust scaling.


Tone/Tint-Bust Plugin Commands

VNPicBust Tone.gif


TONE: Bright Bust(s)
- Brighten bust(s) to use the Tone settings found in the Plugin Parameters.

  Picture ID(s):
  - What Picture ID(s) to associate with this command?
  - You may use JavaScript code.

  - Duration in frames for the tone change.


TONE: Dim Bust(s)
- Dims bust(s) to use the Tone settings found in the Plugin Parameters.

  Picture ID(s):
  - What Picture ID(s) to associate with this command?
  - You may use JavaScript code.

  - Duration in frames for the tone change.


TONE: Normal Bust(s)
- Normalize bust(s) to no tone at all.

  Picture ID(s):
  - What Picture ID(s) to associate with this command?
  - You may use JavaScript code.

  - Duration in frames for the tone change.


TONE: Preset Tone for Bust(s)
- Use RPG Maker MZ's present tones/tints for bust(s).

  Picture ID(s):
  - What Picture ID(s) to associate with this command?
  - You may use JavaScript code.

    Preset Name:
    - What tone preset do you wish to apply?
      - Normal
      - Dark
      - Sepia
      - Sunset
      - Night

  - Duration in frames for the tone change.


TONE: Target Tone for Bust(s)
- Use a custom target tone for the bust(s).

  Picture ID(s):
  - What Picture ID(s) to associate with this command?
  - You may use JavaScript code.

    Custom Tone:
    - What tone do you want for the bust(s)?
    - Format: [Red, Green, Blue, Gray]

  - Duration in frames for the tone change.
