Tips & Tricks – Leech Seed (Pokémon) – RPG Maker MV

Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

Leech Seed is a skill from Pokémon that allows the user to drain 1/8th of the target’s current HP each turn and heal it for itself. Learn how to recreate this skill in RPG Maker MV!

Grab the copy/paste code here:For those who would like uncapped damage:

<Custom Regenerate Effect>
// Check if the original caster isn't the target and that the original target is alive.
if (origin !== target && origin.isAlive()) {
  // Determine the damage dealt.
  var damage = target.hp / 8;
  // Round up the damage.
  damage = Math.ceil(damage);
  // Play the healing animation on the original caster.
  // Original caster gains HP.
  // Show the HP gained.
  // Clears the original caster's HP popup.
  // Play the poison animation on the target.
  // Damage the target's HP.
  // Check if the target is dead.
  if (target.isDead()) {
  // If the target is dead, make it collapse.
</Custom Regenerate Effect>

For those who would like capped damage:

<Custom Regenerate Effect>
// Check if the original caster isn't the target and that the original target is alive.
if (origin !== target && origin.isAlive()) {
  // Determine the damage dealt.
  var damage = target.hp / 8;
  // Round up the damage.
  damage = Math.ceil(damage);
  // Cap the damage to 500.
  damage = Math.min(500, damage);
  // Play the healing animation on the original caster.
  // Original caster gains HP.
  // Show the HP gained.
  // Clears the original caster's HP popup.
  // Play the poison animation on the target.
  // Damage the target's HP.
  // Check if the target is dead.
  if (target.isDead()) {
  // If the target is dead, make it collapse.
</Custom Regenerate Effect>

Happy RPG Making!

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