RPG Maker MV v1.2.0 update is out!


The v1.2.0 update for RPG Maker MV is out so be sure to grab it! You can find the entire changelog in the link provided. Just remember that to update the source code js, you’ll have to create a new project with v.1.2.0, copy the rpg_x.js, and then paste them into your main project’s js folder!

For those who would like to see the changelogs in the source code end: 


  • TilingSprite.prototype.generateTilingTexture added.


  • Indentical to the v1.1.0 version.


  • Game_Picture.prototype.updateRotation updated. This is to accomodate for the set rotation value.


  • Indentical to the v1.1.0 version.


  • Sprite_Animation.prototype.updateCellSprite updated. The sprite will always be visible if the pattern exists.


  • Indentical to the v1.1.0 version.

By the looks of things based on what’s changed, there won’t be any need for me to update any Yanfly Engine Plugins to befit the MV v1.2.0 update as far as I can see currently. Now, go enjoy that dark theme!