Tips & Tricks – Black Blood Potion (The Witcher 3) – RPG Maker MV

Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

In The Witcher 3, the Black Blood Potion causes any attempts to life steal against the user will make them take HP damage instead until it wears off. Here’s how to recreate the effect in RPG Maker MV!

You can grab the copy/paste code here: Place the following code into your Black Blood state’s notebox. Change the values in red to fit your game’s settings.

<Guard HP Life Steal>

<Custom Respond Effect>
// Check if this is an HP effect and if the target received HP damage.
if (this.isHpEffect() && target.result().hpDamage > 0) {
  // Declare the type of Life steal it is.
  var type = 'hp';
  // Check if it is physical
  if (this.isPhysical()) {
    // And add the Physical type
    type += 'Physical';
  // Check if it is magical
  } else if (this.isMagical()) {
    // And add the Magical type
    type += 'Magical';
  // If it is neither physical or magical
  } else {
    // Then add the certain hit type.
    type += 'Certain';
  // Get the skill's life steal rate.
  var rate = this.getLifeStealRate(target, target.result().hpDamage, 'hp');
  // Add it to the user's life steal rate.
  rate += user.getLifeStealRate(type + 'Rate', target);
  // Get the skill's life steal flat amount.
  var flat = this.getLifeStealFlat(target, target.result().hpDamage, 'hp');
  // Add it to the user's life steal flat amount.
  flat += user.getLifeStealFlat(type + 'Flat', target);
  // Calculate the damage to be dealt.
  var dmg = Math.floor(target.result().hpDamage * rate + flat);
  // If the damage is above zero...
  if (dmg > 0) {
    // Make a copy of the user's current results.
    var result = JsonEx.makeDeepCopy(user._result);
    // Make the user lose HP.
    // Start the damage popup.
    // Start an animation on the user.
    // Clear the user's results.
    // Return the user's results to what they were before.
    user._result = result;
</Custom Respond Effect>

Happy witch hunting!

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