Tips & Tricks – Critical Hit Effects – RPG Maker MV

Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

Ever wanted to create extra effects, either buffs or debuffs, when landing a critical hit on a target? Now you can using this Tips & Tricks for RPG Maker MV!

You can grab the copy/paste code here: 

Insert the following code into your global state’s notebox. Change the values in red to fit your game’s settings!

<Custom Establish Effect>
// Check if the attack is a physical attack that dealt HP damage from a critical hit.
if (this.isPhysical() && target.result().hpDamage > 0 && target.result().critical) {
  // Create an ATK buff that lasts 5 turns. 
  var param = 2;
  var turns = 5;

  // Create an AGI buff that lasts 5 turns.
  user.addBuff(param, turns);
  var param = 6;
  var turns = 5;
  user.addBuff(param, turns);

  // Check if target is alive.
  if (target.isAlive()) {

    // Create a DEF debuff that lasts 5 turns.
    var param = 3;
    var turns = 5;

    // Create an AGI debuff that lasts 5 turns.
    target.addDebuff(param, turns);
    var param = 6;
    var turns = 5;
    target.addDebuff(param, turns);
</Custom Establish Effect>

Happy RPG Making!

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