YEP.19 – Save Event Locations

Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

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NPC’s often reset their map locations when a player reenters a map. However, you can change that using this plugin by having the game save their event locations!


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Normally in RPG Maker MV, leaving a map and returning to it will reset the map positions of all the events. For certain types of maps, such as puzzles, you would want the map to retain their locations.


Map Notetag:
<Save Event Locations>
This will cause the map to save every event’s location on that map. After leaving and returning to that map, the events will be reloaded onto their last saved positions in addition to the direction they were facing.

Event Notetag:
<Save Event Location>
This will enable this specific event to save its location on this map. After leaving and returning to the map, the event will be reloaded onto its last saved position in addition to the direction it was facing.

If you wish to reset the position of the Event, simply use the Event Editor and use “Set Event Location” to anchor the event’s location to the desired point as if you would normally.

Plugin Commands

Plugin Command

This resets all the event locations on the map.

Happy RPG Making!