Here are some plugins made for RPG Maker MV, a piece of software that lets you create your own role playing games for the PC, Mac, and various mobile devices! Keep in mind that these plugins are made for RPG Maker MV only! They do not work on other RPG Makers.
Here are some important links regarding the Yanfly Engine Plugins library for RPG Maker MV:
- Terms of Use – The terms and conditions of using Yanfly Engine Plugins (don’t worry, it’s not scary).
- How to Install Plugins – New to RPG Maker MV and want to learn how to install plugins? Click here!
- UPDATING PLUGINS – Not all plugins placed here are perfectly made. They get bugs from time to time. Visit this link to learn how to update plugins and to see which plugins need updating.
- English Links – If you prefer grabbing the plugins from an easy directory tree, here it is!
- To download all of the plugins:
Yanfly Engine Plugins
It is highly recommended that you place these plugins in the order shown below.
Battle Plugins | These plugins alter the battle engine’s aspects from the basic core engine to action sequence packs and more! |
Battle Engine Core Released: 2015.10.10 The default battle system for RPG Maker MV now allows for the ever so popular side-view! However, we can beef it up a little bit more using the Battle Engine Core to add more features and capabilities to the battle system! |
Battle Engine Core >> Action Sequence Pack 1 Released: 2015.10.11 The first of three action sequence packs to be made for YEP’s Battle Engine Core! This pack includes action sequences that are mechanics-related for your actions. |
Battle Engine Core >> Action Sequence Pack 2 Released: 2015.10.12 The second of three action sequence packs for the Battle Engine Core focus on visual aspects of an action such as moving, jumping, changing the screen tint, and more! |
Battle Engine Core >> Action Sequence Pack 3 Released: 2015.10.12 The third action sequence pack for this set includes the ability to control the camera and zooming! Use these action sequences provided by this plugin to make your actions look nice and flashy! This plugin requires Battle Engine Core. |
Action Sequence Pack Documentation Not a plugin but compiled and detailed documentation made by the various users of the RPG Maker community! -By Point08 -By Yoshifull |
Battle Engine Core >> Animated Sideview Enemies Released: 2015.12.13 This plugin requires Battle Engine Core. This extension plugin allows you to animate enemies in a number of ways, from giving static enemies breathing, floating, and scaled attributes to utilizing animated sideview actors as potential battlers for your enemies instead of static graphics to help make your enemies appear more lively! |
Battle Engine Core >> Battle System – ATB Released: 2015.11.06 The ever so popularly requested battle system: ATB! Made similarly to match the Final Fantasy series, the ATB system starts off with your characters filling up their gauges before they can input an action. Once an action is inputted, they start to quickly charge it up before going to perform their attack. This plugin requires Battle Engine Core. WARNING: Support for ATB has bee discontinued by Yanfly. You can read about it here. You can continue using it, but do not expect everything to work with it. |
Battle Engine Core >> Battle System – ATB >> Visual ATB Gauge Released: 2015.11.22 For Yanfly Engine Plugins – Battle System – ATB users, you can now display ATB gauges for your enemies! This plugin is plug and play but it does require the YEP_BattleSysATB plugin. The gauges can be shown either below or above the enemies. |
Battle Engine Core >> Battle System - CTB Released: 2015.12.05 This plugin requires Battle Engine Core. The fabled Battle System – CTB! Battle participants are placed in a visible turn order based on their agility and speed. When it becomes their turn, they input an action and execute it immediately, then proceed back in line. The CTB system focuses heavily on turn manipulation to change the strategic flow of battle. WARNING: Support for CTB has bee discontinued by Yanfly. You can read about it here. You can continue using it, but do not expect everything to work with it. |
Battle Engine Core >> Battle System - STB Released: 2017.03.24 The Standard Turn Battle system functions off of the Default Turn Battle system’s structure. Action orders are determined by the battlers’ AGI values and they go from highest to lowest. However, actions are not selected at the start of the turn. Instead, the turn progresses and the actions are picked as each battler’s turn appears, then proceeds to be executed immediately. Each battler is only allowed one action per battle turn, meaning a single battler cannot have twice the number of turns as another battler even if the battler’s AGI value is double that of the other. This is to prevent any balancing issues that come from tick-based battle systems as they tend to be far more difficult to balance compared to turn-based battle systems. |
Battle Engine Core >> Counter Control Released: 2016.03.11 The default counterattack trait in RPG Maker MV doesn’t give many options for the developer. It’s a skill that flatout cancels out the physical skill of the attacker by evading it and then producing a normal attack from the counterattacker. This plugin will give you more control over how counters work in the sense that you can choose to have the counter connect first before allowing the counter skill to proc. |
Battle Engine Core >> In-Battle Status Released: 2016.09.03 In battle by default, there’s no way to check your party’s status. This plugin will add a new ‘Status’ command to the Party Command Window (with Fight and Escape) to allow players to check party members. Here, the player can view each party member’s current parameters, get a list of all states, buffs, and debuffs. The player can scroll through the list and view newly added help descriptions of the states, buffs, and debuffs in a help window. |
Battle Engine Core >> Turn Order Display Released: 2017.03.17 For Turn-Based Battle Systems like DTB (Default Turn Battle), letting the player see the turn order visually can add a whole lot more depth to the battle system. This plugin will add a display of icons showing the turn order of the player’s party and the enemy party within a corner of the screen (modifiable). NOTE! This plugin does NOT work with tick-based Battle Systems like ATB or CTB! It is specifically made to work only with turn-based battle systems. |
Battle Engine Core >> Visual HP Gauges Released: 2015.11.21 Want to display HP gauges visibly on enemies? And possibly even your allies? Want to give certain enemies different color HP gauges or make it longer than usual? Or make it required that enemies must be defeated first before showing their HP gauge? Well, now you can! |
Battle Engine Core >> Weak Enemy Poses Released: 2016.11.05 Non-animated enemies often appear lifeless. They maintain one appearance throughout the whole battle and do not change it under any circumstances. This plugin allows you to set different images for enemies when they are under certain health percentages as well as other conditions. |
Battle Engine Core >> Lunatic Pack - Action Beginning and End Effects Released: 2017.12.01 Sometimes, we’d like to add additional effects to our actions in battle. These effects can range from adding more HP, applying a new state to the user after everything else has happened, removing debuffs, playing an animation, or even absorbing a fraction of all the total damage directly dealt by the action this turn. This Lunatic Pack provides a new batch of effects that you can use to empower your items and skills, or to even globalize them as a result of states. |
Absorption Barrier Released: 2016.02.13 The Absorption Barrier is a new mechanic added for battle. Barrier Points, a new type of stat, provide a layer of protection for battlers. Any direct damage that would normally be done to HP would be dealt to the battler's Barrier Points first, mitigating any real damage dealt to the battler. Any remaining damage is then dealt to the battler. |
Battle A.I. Core Released: 2015.10.19 Tired of dumb enemies that turn your otherwise challenging game into an easy-peasy walk in the park? The Battle A.I. Core plugin allows you to manually adjust the settings and patterns of your enemies so that they can deliver MANLY poundings onto your players. |
Battle A.I. Core >> Actor Auto Battle A.I. Released: 2018.12.07 By default, if an actor has the auto battle trait, it will cycle through each one of its learned skills (whether or not it has access to the skill type doesn’t matter) and selects the hardest hitting skill of them all. This setup may work for some auto-battlers but not all of them. What this plugin does is it incorporates the A.I. Priority system from the YEP Library’s Battle A.I. Core for actor auto-battlers. |
Battle BGM Control Released: 2017.04.14 This plugin lets you assign certain BGM's to certain troops so that they will play from the map transition into the battle. Furthermore, when a major enemy's HP is reduced to certain values, the battle BGM can change as well. This will help add extra feeling to the battle and make battle BGM's less monotonous for longer battles. |
Battle Select Cursor Released: 2016.05.15 This plugin allows you to set custom cursors when selecting allies and/or enemies for targeting while in battle. This is to help with better visual cues when picking a target if the flashing battler isn't enough. |
Battle Status Window Released: 2015.12.11 This plugin replaces the default battle status window, which was shown in a row format, to a column-based format that also displays the party's faces. |
Buffs & States Core Released: 2015.12.25 Alter the basic mechanics behind buffs and states that aren't adjustable within the RPG Maker editor. Such mechanics include altering the maximum number of times buffs can stack, changing the turns remaining on buffs and states, and the rules involved when reapplying states. |
Buffs & States Core >> Extended Damage Over Time Released: 2017.04.07 RPG Maker MV does not provide the ability to utilize custom formulas for any damage or healing over time state effects. This plugin, through aid of Yanfly’s Buffs & States Core, will allow usage for formulas to create custom damage or healing over time values, animations to go with them, variance control, and elemental rate aspects. This is a collaboration plugin by Tigress and Yanfly to ensure compatibility with the Yanfly Engine Plugins library. |
Buffs & States Core >> State Categories Released: 2016.04.03 This plugin allows you to set categories for your states. They can be one category, multiple categories, or no categories. With this in mind, there's a few new features this plugin provides that pertains to this category system such as removal of states under a certain category and the ability to have them bypass certain key removal aspects such as on Death removal or Recover All removal. |
Buffs & States Core >> Tick-Based Regen Released: 2016.02.28 For those running a Tick-Based Battle System with the Battle Engine Core (ie. Active Turn Battle or Charge Turn Battle), this will automatically set your states for Turn End timings to use a Time Based system, but in turn, causes regeneration effects to occur individually. |
Battle Engine Core >> Visual State Effects Released: 2016.08.20 States are amongst one of the most important aspects of the battle system. Therefore, relaying proper information to the player is extremely important. RPG Maker MV does relay information to the player about the various states and effects, but it is far from perfect. This plugin allows you to add more detail and visual effects regarding states to relay proper data. |
Battle Engine Core >> Lunatic Pack - State Protection Released: 2017.11.17 This plugin allows you to add a variety of protection effects to your states to allow them to reduce HP or MP damage in more unique ways, from cutting off a percentage of the original damage, blocking off damage entirely once certain break points are met, capping damage in certain ways, and surviving fatal damage. And should any of those effects trigger, you can set the state to perform special effects, too! |
Damage Core Released: 2015.11.07 The Damage Core plugin enables you to have full control over the damage calculation process of your game ranging from individual damage formulas to damage caps to damage calculation steps. |
Damage Core >> Armor Scaling Released: 2015.11.28 Scale defensive stats relative to a universal scale and gives your players a way to increase and decrease damage without having to provide pure stats. Adds new gameplay mechanics such as Armor Penetration and Armor Reduction into your game! |
Armor Scaling Calculator created by FlyingDream Figuring out the right amount of defense values to give your actors when using the Armor Scaling plugin can be a challenge. This tool will allow you to test various defense values to see how armor scaling will affect different base damage values to help assist you in figuring out how to make armor scaling work right for your game. |
Damage Core >> Critical Control Released: 2015.11.08 This plugin allows you to modify the critical hit rate formula across a global scale and for an individual skill/item scale. This plugin requires Damage Core. |
Damage Core >> Lunatic Pack - Critical Sway Released: 2017.11.24 Ever wanted to have a bit more variety in how critical hits are determined in your game? This plugin gives you the ability to sway the critical hit rate of skills, items, and states in your game! Users affected by it can have their actions result in criticals based off their own HP values or the enemy’s! Or perhaps the idea of linking the critical hit rate to the element rate of the action, too? You can also alter the critical hit rate based off the number of states, buffs, or debuffs on either the user or the target! |
Element Core Released: 2016.06.10 Elemental control in RPG Maker MV is pretty lacking. The calculation of how multiple elements are handled aren't very clear nor are they too intuitive when it comes to certain aspects. This plugin also gives way to skills and items having more than one element, battlers being able to absorb, reflect, amplify elemental damage, and more! |
Extra Enemy Drops Released: 2015.12.19 By default, RPG Maker MV limits enemies to only drop up to 3 items max and at very limited drop rates. This plugin allows you to add more than 3 items at drop. In addition to having more than 3 drops, this plugin also allows you to expand the enemy drops to have conditional drops, drops that will only appear before the player if certain conditions are met. |
Force Advantage Released: 2016.04.17 This plugin enables you to force a battle advantage on the next upcoming battle, whether it is forced or a random encounter. These advantages can be either pre-emptive strikes, surprise attacks, or even forcing a completely normal battle with no advantage. This plugin also enables specific common events to play upon different battle types. |
Hit Accuracy Released: 2016.03.20 By default, RPG Maker MV’s action accuracy formula is unintuitive. For what it matters, the accuracy of the skill is determined first, then the evasion of the target is determined second regardless of the accuracy of the first check. This means that even if an attacker has 1000% HIT accuracy, the skill can still be evaded by the enemy’s 5% EVA stat. So instead, this plugin will provide control over an action’s accuracy formula and evasion formula. By this plugin’s default settings, accuracy will now be calculated where the attacker’s HIT and the enemy’s EVA are set against one another for a more intuitive accuracy formula. |
Hit Damage Sounds Released: 2017.03.10 Different types of armors make different sounds when they’re hit. When an actor is struck by an attack and takes damage, they will play a sound effect based off the armor they are wearing (ie. cloth versus metal). Enemies can also play different sound effects when they get hit, too (ie. slimes versus robots). Use this plugin to make your armors and enemies more lively when they react to damage. This is a collaboration plugin by Chickie and Yanfly to ensure compatibility with the Yanfly Engine Plugins library. |
Improved Battlebacks Released: 2016.02.11 This plugin remakes how RPG Maker MV handles battlebacks. By default, all battlebacks are handled in a hard-structured fashion making them hard to modify and alter to behave dynamically. This plugin reworks the way RPG Maker MV’s battlebacks behave using a more automatic and flexible means of handling them, allowing battlebacks to added, removed, change its image, fade in/out, adjust opacity settings, and scroll in various directions! |
Life Steal Released 2016.02.19 Life Steal is a mechanic in RPG Maker MV that only exists in the form of specific skills or items. There is no way to passively gain Life Steal from physical, magical, or certain hit attacks. This plugin will allow you to set passive Life Steal traits for physical, magical, and certain hit attacks for both HP and MP values. |
Overkill Bonus Released: 2017.03.03 Overkill occurs when an actor defeats an enemy with excessive damage. All enemies have an Overkill damage requirement and if a battler lands a killing blow dealing damage equal to or greater than this number, an animation is played on the enemy before the enemy collapses. When an enemy is overkilled, that enemy will reward the player with more EXP, more gold, a higher drop rate, and if YEP_ExtraEnemyDrops is installed, more possibilities for extra items under the condition of being Overkilled. This is a collaboration plugin by Tigress and Yanfly to ensure compatibility with the Yanfly Engine Plugins library. |
Target Core Released 2016.02.26 The Target Core plugin is made to expand upon the existing target scopes provided by RPG Maker MV. This plugin enables you to use more target scopes, with a larger variety of ways to target actors and enemies with bonus ways to choose targets combined with the Row Formation plugin. |
Target Core >> Area of Effect Released: 2016.03.18 Sometimes, targeting one foe isn’t enough and targeting all foes is too many. The right mix in between would be area of effects to target only a certain area of foes. This plugins enables area of effect targeting to come in the forms of circular areas, column areas, row areas, and even the whole screen. |
Target Core >> Selection Control Released: 2016.04.22 When selecting targets, RPG Maker MV has it set by default that the list of valid targets is always either alive enemies, alive allies, or only dead allies. Actions would not be able to target either actors or enemies or change from single target to multiple targets. This extension plugin for the Target Core will allow you to break free of that restriction for better selection control of targets as well as insert customized conditions. |
Taunt Released: 2015.10.31 Taunts have become a mainstream game mechanic for many games. It’s only natural to port something like that over to RPG Maker MV! Included in this plugin are taunt effects and taunt nullification effects! |
Victory Aftermath Released: 2015.10.13 Replace the default RPG Maker victory messages with this plugin’s Victory Aftermath windows to provide more accurate and visual data to your players! |
Victory Aftermath >> Aftermath Level Up Released: 2015.01.16 This adds a level up section to the Victory Aftermath sequence to show the individual parameter changes the actor has acquired in addition to skills that the actor may have learned. This segment will be omitted if there are no actors to level up or if the game has the segment disabled. When there are multiple actors leveling up, the Victory Aftermath will cycle through each of the actors. |
Gameplay Plugins | These plugins affect the entirity of gameplay with their unique changes. |
Auto Passive States Released: 2015.10.17 Add passive states to your game! They can be innate to actors, classes, appear when a piece of equipment is worn, or after an actor learns a skill! Having a passive state increase gameplay depth by a lot! |
Auto Passive States >> Passive Aura Effects Released: 2016.10.08 Passive Aura Effects are commonly found in many online multiplayer games with RPG elements. When a battler can give out an aura, it will affect other nearby battlers, too, either ally and/or foe. This plugin will allow states to generate aura effects for other party members, opponents, or specifically for actor and/or enemy parties. |
Auto Passive States >> Lunatic Pack - Passive Condition Cases Released: 2017.12.15 Passive States can be a powerful addition to a game, but if they are always active throughout a battle, they can be a little too powerful. Sometimes, you will want to limit the extent at which your passive states will be active by imposing conditional cases upon them. If all of the passive’s conditional cases have been met, then the passive will become active. This plugin adds a multitude of conditional cases for you to be able to use in your game and limit certain passive states from having their effects active at all times. |
Enemy Levels Released 2016.01.29 This plugin allows enemies to function off of a leveling system. An enemy's level will be increased relative to the player under specific rulings and will increase its stats based on its level. |
Enemy Level Calculator created by FlyingDream The Enemy Levels plugin can be difficult to balance. FlyingDream made this wonderful way to calculate enemy stats by various levels using different base values, percent rates, and flat amounts to help you see the variations across different levels! |
Enemy Levels >> Difficulty Slider Released: 2017.07.19 Sometimes, players would like to be able to increase or decrease the difficulty of your game at their own accord. The Difficulty Slider becomes a feature accessible from the game’s option menu with this plugin installed. There, the player is able to alter the level of the enemies that appear in battle within a certain range (set by you, the developer). |
Enemy Levels >> Enemy Base Parameters Released: 2017.05.31 For those who would like a more formulaic approach to the way to calculate enemy parameters similar to how Class Base Parameters does it, this plugin will allow you a similar way to determine enemy parameters. This can be used to base enemies off of player class stats or even to fine tune each enemy’s own individual stats. |
Enhanced TP Released: 2016.01.08 The TP system in RPG Maker MV is rather limiting. A lot of the TP system is hardcoded in giving RPG Maker MV users very little control over how much TP gain a battler can receive from particular actions and situations. This plugin gives you the ability to adjust how much TP battlers will acquire from various actions, different TP modes, and letting players select and pick what TP mode they want for each actor. |
Enhanced TP >> More TP Modes Released: 2016.01.10 This is an extension plugin for Enhanced TP. For those who think that 20 TP Modes isn't enough, this will expand the amount of TP Modes for your game by another 20 for each up to a total of 100 TP Modes! |
Equip Battle Skills Released: 2016.04.08 This plugin creates a new gameplay mechanic where players have to choose which skills to bring into battle. They can select what skills to bring from the skill menu. In addition to being able to do that, equipped skills can also add bonuses such as stats and/or passive states. |
Equip Battle Skills >> Allowed Types Released: 2016.06.05 For those who are using the Equip Battle Skills plugin, you may have noticed that the 'Skills' command replaces all skill types in the battle command window. For those who'd like to have certain skill types continue working, you can use this plugin to create an exception for it. The skill types found listed in the plugin parameters will be given an exception and will be shown in battle. Any skill that contains the skill type also cannot be equipped in a battle skill slot. |
Equip Battle Skills >> Equip Skill Tiers Released: 2016.04.10 This plugin imposes a limit upon actors to limit what skills can be equipped based on tiers. The player must abide by the limits before being able to exit the menu allowing for better control over gameplay balance. |
Job Points Released: 2015.11.13 This plugin by itself will not change any major game functions, but instead, it works in combination with other plugins that make use of this plugin’s functions should you decide to incorporate Job Points into your game. |
Party System Released: 2015.11.20 This plugin replaces the “Formation” command found in the in-game menu with a new scene where the player can adjust the party he or she wants in a more comfortable way. |
Party System >> Actor Party Switch Released: 2016.06.17 For games that benefit more from individual party switching, this plugin grants players the ability to switch party members on an individual basis rather than entire parties at a time mid-battle. However, actors that have just switched in and are on cooldown, required for battle, or locked in the party position cannot switch out. |
Row Formation Released: 2016.01.02 This plugin places party members into row formations to give them distinct advantages based on row location in the form of states for maximum control. Skills and items are capable of moving targets to different row locations. |
Stat Allocation Released: 2018.11.09 Lots of players love to customization in games. It lets them put a bit of a personal touch in the games they like to play, and what a better way to do that than through Stat Allocation? With the Stat Allocation, players can alter the amount of MaxHP, MaxMP, ATK, DEF, etc. through a new resource, AP, which stands for Allocation Points. AP is usually gained through leveling up and is then used to boost stats! |
Steal & Snatch Released: 2016.02.05 Stealing is a commonly used mechanic found in many traditional RPG's. This plugin enables you to replicate that mechanic and add more depth upon it. |
These are various plugins with miscellaneous effects on the game. Note: Some of these do not have a video attached. This is because some of these are snippets and will be expanded upon more later or already have a more expanded version above.
- Gamepad Config – Allows your players to config their gamepads from the Options menu.
- ItemBook v1.01 – Originally provided by Ojima with the RPG Maker MV package, this one contains an update that makes it compatible with YEP Item Core.
- Screen Resolution – Change your game’s screen resolution if you don’t want to use the Core Engine.
And that’s all, folks! Happy RPG Making!
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