YEP.40 – Event Mini Label

Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

You can grab the plugin here:

English Mirror

This plugin lets you place text above the heads of various events using a miniature label through a comment tag. The text used can also use text codes so text, icons, colors, etc. whatever it is, you can use it as a label!


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This plugin lets you place text above the heads of various events using a miniature label through a comment tag.

Comment Tags

Comment tags are ‘notetags’ used within the lines of an event’s comments. The reason I’m using the comment tags instead of the notetags is because each page of an event can yield a different potential name.

To use this, make a comment within the event you wish to make the mini label for and insert the following:

<Mini Label: text>
This will display the ‘text’ above the event. You can use text codes for this comment tag and it will create dynamic messages.

<Mini Label Font Size: x>
This will change the font size used for the mini label to x. If this tag isn’t used, the font size will be the default value in the parameters.

<Mini Label Y Buffer: +x>
<Mini Label Y Buffer: -x>
This will adjust the Y buffer for the mini label by x value. If this tag isn’t used, the Y buffer will be the default value in the parameters.

<Always Show Mini Label>
This will make the mini label to always be shown, even when the plugin command to hide mini labels is used.

Plugin Commands

If you would like to shut off the Event Mini Label mid-game or turn it on, you can use the following plugin commands:

Plugin Command:

Hides all Event Mini Label.

Shows all Event Mini Label.


Happy RPG Making!