YEP.130 – Battle System – Standard Turn Battle – RPG Maker MV

Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

You can grab the plugin here:

English Mirror

The Standard Turn Battle system functions off of the Default Turn Battle system’s structure. Action orders are determined by the battlers’ AGI values and they go from highest to lowest. However, actions are not selected at the start of the turn. Instead, the turn progresses and the actions are picked as each battler’s turn appears, then proceeds to be executed immediately.

Each battler is only allowed one action per battle turn, meaning a single battler cannot have twice the number of turns as another battler even if the battler’s AGI value is double that of the other. This is to prevent any balancing issues that come from tick-based battle systems as they tend to be far more difficult to balance compared to turn-based battle systems.

SUPPORT FOR STB HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED BY YANFLY. Reasons are explained in this post. You can continue using it, but do not expect everything to work with it.


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This plugin requires YEP_X_BattleSysSTB. Make sure this plugin is located under YEP_X_BattleSysSTB in the plugin list.

To use the STB system, go to the Battle Engine Core plugin and change the ‘Default System’ setting in the parameters to ‘stb’.

The Standard Turn Battle system functions off of the Default Turn Battle system’s structure. Action orders are determined by the battlers’ AGI values and they go from highest to lowest. However, actions are not selected at the start of the turn. Instead, the turn progresses and the actions are picked as each battler’s turn appears, then proceeds to be executed immediately.

Each battler is only allowed one action per battle turn, meaning a single battler cannot have twice the number of turns as another battler even if the battler’s AGI value is double that of the other. This is to prevent any balancing issues that come from tick-based battle systems as they tend to be far more difficult to balance compared to turn-based battle systems.

Because of the nature of the Standard Turn Battle System, an item or skill’s action speed value found in the database will be disabled as it cannot push forward a battler’s in the turn order.

Plugin Commands

To change your battle system to Standard Turn Battle if it isn’t the default battle system, you can use the following Plugin Command:

Plugin Command:

setBattleSys STB
Sets battle system to Standard Turn Battle.

setBattleSys DTB
Sets battle system to Default Turn Battle.

Using the above Plugin Commands, you can toggle between the Default Battle System and Standard Turn Battle!


The following are notetags that pertain to and affect the STB system.

Skill and Item Notetags:

<STB Help>
</STB Help>
For those planning on using multiple battle systems, sometimes you may have your skills perform differently while using STB. If so, using this notetag will allow skills and items to display different help text while STB is enabled.

Happy RPG Making!