YEP.111 – Icon Balloons – RPG Maker MV

Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

You can grab the plugin here:

English Mirror

RPG Maker MV provides us with 15 Balloon Animations to use to allow our events to show emotions with. Sometimes, this just isn’t enough. However, this plugin allows you to use icons from your IconSet to extend the number of balloon types you can use.

Save this image into your project’s img/system folder.



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RPG Maker MV provides us with 15 Balloon Animations to use have to allow our events to show emotions with. Sometimes, this just isn’t enough. However, this plugin allows you to use icons from your IconSet to extend the number of balloon types you can use.

Plugin Commands

Use these plugin commands to get icon balloons playing on the player/events.

Plugin Commands

ShowIconBalloon x on Player
ShowIconBalloon x on Player, Wait

ShowIconBalloon x on Event y
ShowIconBalloon x on Event y, Wait

ShowIconBalloon x on Follower y
ShowIconBalloon x on Follower y, Wait
– This will cause the Icon Balloon using icon index x to appear on the player, event y, or follower y. If ‘wait’ is used, then the event will wait until the balloon has finished playing.

ShowIconBalloon x to y on Player
ShowIconBalloon x to y on Player, Wait

ShowIconBalloon x to y on Event z
ShowIconBalloon x to y on Event z, Wait

ShowIconBalloon x to y on Follower z
ShowIconBalloon x to y on Follower z, Wait
– This will cause the Icon Balloon start on icon index x and move through to y, the next icon upward each few frames up to icon index y. This icon balloon will be played on the player, event z, or follower z. If ‘wait’ is used, then the event will wait until the balloon has finished playing. When using this command, x cannot be greater than y.

Happy RPG Making!