YEP.63 – Weapon Animation

Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

You can grab the plugin here:

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Ever wanted to give your swords different images despite being the same sword type? Or how about your axes? Or any weapon? Now you can! On top of that, you can even use custom images to accomplish this.


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Ever wanted to give your swords different images despite being the same sword type? Or how about your axes? Or any weapon? Now you can! On top of that, you can even use custom images to accomplish this.

Note: If you are using the YEP_BattleEngineCore, YEP_X_AnimatedSVEnemies, or any of the Action Sequence Packs, place this plugin under those plugins in the plugin list within the Plugin Manager for the best compatibility.


For those who would like to give their weapons a little bit of a change, you can make use of these notetags:

Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, and State Notetags:

<Weapon Image: x>
Replace x with a number above 0 and you’ll get an image from img/system’s weapon sheets. Each sheet contains 12 weapon images. If you wish to load a weapon from the first sheet, it’ll be within 1-12. If you wish to load a weapon from the second sheet, it’ll be within 13-24, and so on. The weapon sheets increase in increments of 12, which means that if you wish to load a weapon from weapon sheet 50, x will be between 589 to 600.

By default, these are the number values associated with each:

1 - Dagger    7 - Long Bow    13 - Mace        19 - Slingshot   25 - Book
2 - Sword     8 - Crossbow    14 - Rod         20 - Shotgun     26 - Custom
3 - Flail     9 - Gun         15 - Club        21 - Rifle       27 - Custom
4 - Axe      10 - Claw        16 - Chain       22 - Chainsaw    28 - Custom
5 - Whip     11 - Glove       17 - Sword#2     23 - Railgun     29 - Custom
6 - Staff    12 - Spear       18 - Iron Pipe   24 - Stun Rod    30 - Custom

<Weapon Image: filename>
If you have created a custom folder to place unique weapon sheets, you can use this notetag to acquire them. The filename is case sensitive. Do not include the file extension. If your weapon sheet is called DaggerBlue.png, then the notetag you’d use would be <Weapon Image: DaggerBlue> only.

<Weapon Motion: thrust>
<Weapon Motion: swing>
<Weapon Motion: missile>
This will dictate the motion the battler will use when attacking if you’re using a custom weapon animation. If nothing is placed here, the motion will default to the ‘Default Motion’ value in the plugin parameters. You can use any of the following motions:

walk     wait      chant     guard      damage    evade
thrust   swing     missile   skill      spell     item
escape   victory   dying     abnormal   sleep     dead

<Weapon Hue: x>
For those who would like to use different hues with your weapon animation, use this notetag in the same notebox as the <Weapon Image: x> notetag to change the hue of the weapon animation to x.

<Weapon Animation: x>
If you would like to override the attack animation when using this weapon, you can use x to dictate which animation will be used for regular attacks.

If you haven’t noticed yet, these notetags are made for actors, classes, enemies, weapons, armors, and also states. What this means is, the weapon animation changes will behave more like traits. Priorities will occur in the following order:


This means that if a battler is affected by a state that would modify its weapon appearance, any other weapon animation changes that the user would have will be overwritten by the state’s weapon animation change until the state wears off.

Instructions – Custom Weapon Images

The weapon sheet format will follow RPG Maker MV’s weapon sheet format in individual frame dimensions. However, unlike RPG Maker MV’s weapon sheet format. That said, these custom weapon images will need to be made a certain way in order to look properly with RPG Maker MV’s default battlers.

Here is the weapon sheet format:

Sheet Width: 288
Sheet Height: 64
Frame Width: 96
Frame Height: 64

As long as you make them in that format, the weapon sheets will work with RPG Maker’s default battlers.

And last but not least! The Beam Swords!

Here they are! Be sure to save them into the img/weapons/ folder!

Beam Sword Brown

Beam Sword Red

Beam Sword Orange

Beam Sword Yellow

Beam Sword Yellow Green

Beam Sword Green

Beam Sword Cyan

Beam Sword Blue

Beam Sword Navy

Beam Sword Violet

Beam Sword Purple

Beam Sword Magenta

Beam Sword Pink

Beam Sword Grey

Beam Sword Dark

Beam Sword Light

And for those who would like to download the entire package: click here.

Happy RPG Making!