YEP.120 – Repel Lure Encounters – RPG Maker MV

Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

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In RPG Maker MV, you can either choose to enable encounters or disable them completely. However, making a system that repels encounters for a certain amount of steps or increase the encounter rate for a certain amount of steps is a whole different matter. This plugin allows you to create ways to repel encounters, generate lures, and the rate at which lures are done. 


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In RPG Maker MV, you can either choose to enable encounters or disable them completely. However, making a system that repels encounters for a certain amount of steps or increase the encounter rate for a certain amount of steps is a whole different matter. This plugin allows you to create ways to repel encounters, generate lures, and the rate at which lures are done.


In the plugin parameters, the Repel Variables and Lure Variables parameters are tied to. When the variables for those are adjusted in game, then the effects for those will also be adjusted. When the variable values are above a zero value, they will be in effect and decrease by 1 per step.

For example, to make a Repel effect work from an item:

1. Set the Repel Variable in the plugin parameter to variable 50.
2. Create an item in the database.
3. Have the item run a common event.
4. Have this common event adjust variable 50 to a value of 100.

Now, the player will be able to walk 100 steps without encountering a battle unless it is an evented battle.

To make a Lure effect work from an item:

1. Set the Lure Variable in the plugin parameter to variable 60.
2. Create an item in the database.
3. Have the item run a common event.
4. Have this common event adjust variable 60 to a value of 100.
5. Optionally, use plugin commands to adjust the rate of the lure.

Now, for 100 steps, the player will encounter battles more often than if the lure wasn’t present.

Plugin Commands

For those who would like to adjust the lure rates and lure flat values mid-game, you can use the following plugin commands.

Plugin Commands:

SetLureRate x
– Sets the lure rate for encounters to x when the Lure Variable is active. You can use JavaScript code for x if you are familiar with JavaScript.

SetLureFlat x
– Sets the flat value for encounters to x when the Lure Variable is active. You can use JavaScript code for x if you are familiar with JavaScript.

Happy RPG Making!