YEP.62 – Slippery Tiles

Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

You can grab the plugin here:

English Mirror

This plugin enables you to set which tiles are slippery tiles through either regions or notetags. To use regions, change the parameter setting to which region ID you would like to associate with a slippery tile.


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This plugin enables you to set which tiles are slippery tiles through either regions or notetags. To use regions, change the parameter setting to which region ID you would like to associate with a slippery tile.


You can use these notetags to add slippery tiles to your tilesets.

Tileset Notetag:

<Slippery Tile: x>
<Slippery Tile: x, x, x>
Tiles with terrain ID x will be designated as slippery tiles.

Happy RPG Making!