Tips & Tricks – Actor Transformations – RPG Maker MV

Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

Last episode, we showed you how to transform enemies. This episode, we’ll show you how to do it for actors! And yes, they’re done differently! This video will show you how and why.

Get the copy/paste code here! 

Place this into your transformation state’s notebox! Change the values in red to fit your game!

<Custom Apply Effect>
// Check if user is an actor.
if (user.isActor()) {
  // Archive the previous settings.
  user._prevCharName = user._prevCharName || user._characterName;
  user._prevCharIndex = user._prevCharIndex || user._characterIndex;
  user._prevFaceName = user._prevFaceName || user._faceName;
  user._prevFaceIndex = user._prevFaceIndex || user._faceIndex;
  user._prevBattlerName = user._prevBattlerName || user._battlerName;
  // Check if the actor ID is 1.
  if (user.actorId() === 1) {
    // The filename of the character graphic without the file extension.
    var charName = 'HaroldSSJ';
    // The index of the character graphic used.
    var charIndex = 0;
    // The filename of the face graphic without the file extension.
    var faceName = 'HaroldSSJ';
    // The index of of the face graphic used.
    var faceIndex = 0;
    // The filename of the battler graphic without the file extension.
    var battlerName = 'Harold_SSJ1';
  // Check if the actor ID is 2.
  } else if (user.actorId() === 2) {
    // The filename of the character graphic without the file extension.
    var charName = 'ThereseSSJ';
    // The index of the character graphic used.
    var charIndex = 0;
    // The filename of the face graphic without the file extension.
    var faceName = 'ThereseSSJ';
    // The index of of the face graphic used.
    var faceIndex = 0;
    // The filename of the battler graphic without the file extension.
    var battlerName = 'Therese_SSJ1';
  // Check if the actor ID is 3.
  } else if (user.actorId() === 3) {
    // The filename of the character graphic without the file extension.
    var charName = 'MarshaSSJ';
    // The index of the character graphic used.
    var charIndex = 0;
    // The filename of the face graphic without the file extension.
    var faceName = 'MarshaSSJ';
    // The index of of the face graphic used.
    var faceIndex = 0;
    // The filename of the battler graphic without the file extension.
    var battlerName = 'Marsha_SSJ1';
  // Check if the actor ID is 4.
  } else if (user.actorId() === 4) {
    // The filename of the character graphic without the file extension.
    var charName = 'LuciusSSJ';
    // The index of the character graphic used.
    var charIndex = 0;
    // The filename of the face graphic without the file extension.
    var faceName = 'LuciusSSJ';
    // The index of of the face graphic used.
    var faceIndex = 0;
    // The filename of the battler graphic without the file extension.
    var battlerName = 'Lucius_SSJ1';
  // If none of the above actor ID's match, use this setting.
  } else {
    // The filename of the character graphic without the file extension.
    var charName = 'HaroldSSJ';
    // The index of the character graphic used.
    var charIndex = 0;
    // The filename of the face graphic without the file extension.
    var faceName = 'HaroldSSJ';
    // The index of of the face graphic used.
    var faceIndex = 0;
    // The filename of the battler graphic without the file extension.
    var battlerName = 'Harold_SSJ1';
  // Changes the character image to the setting applied from above.
  user.setCharacterImage(charName, charIndex);
  // Changes the face image to the setting applied from above.
  user.setFaceImage(faceName, faceIndex);
  // Changes the battler image from the setting applied from above.
  // Refreshes the user's appearance.
</Custom Apply Effect>

<Custom Remove Effect>
// Retrieve archived settings.
var charName = user._prevCharName;
var charIndex = user._prevCharIndex;
var faceName = user._prevFaceName;
var faceIndex = user._prevFaceIndex;
var battlerName = user._prevBattlerName;
// Changes the character image to the archived setting.
user.setCharacterImage(charName, charIndex);
// Changes the face image to the archived setting.
user.setFaceImage(faceName, faceIndex);
// Changes the battler image from the archived setting.
// Clear archived data.
user._priorityCharacterName = undefined;
user._priorityCharacterIndex = undefined;
user._prevFaceName = undefined;
user._prevFaceIndex = undefined;
user._priorityFaceName = undefined;
user._priorityFaceIndex = undefined;
user._prevFaceName = undefined;
user._prevFaceIndex = undefined;
user._priorityBattlerName = undefined;
user._prevBattlerName = undefined;
// Refreshes the user's appearance.
</Custom Remove Effect>

Happy transforming!

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