Tips & Tricks – Combo Attack (MapleStory) – RPG Maker MV

Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

In MapleStory, the Fighter class gains access to Combo Attack. As the Fighter attacks, combos stack up and increase the Fighter’s damage. These combos can be released and used later to unleash attacks that require combo count. Here’s how to create this effect in RPG Maker MV!

You can get the copy/paste code here: 

Place these notetags inside of your Combo State‘s notebox. Change the values in red to match the demands of your game.

<Custom Apply Effect>
// Defaults user's combo stacks to 0.
user._comboStacks = user._comboStacks || 0;
// Get the current number of stacks. Min 0, Max 10.
var stacks = user._comboStacks.clamp(0, 10);
// Set the combo counter for the state.
user.setStateCounter(stateId, 'x' + stacks);
</Custom Apply Effect>

<Custom Remove Effect>
// Reset combo stacks to 0.
user._comboStacks = 0;
// Get the current number of stacks. Min 0, Max 10.
var stacks = user._comboStacks.clamp(0, 10);
// Set the combo counter for the state.
user.setStateCounter(stateId, 'x' + stacks);
</Custom Remove Effect>

<Custom Confirm Effect>
// Check if the user is delivering physical damage and the action does not have "Combo" in its name.
if (this.isPhysical() && value > 0 && !this.item().name.match('Combo')) {
  // Defaults user's combo stacks to 0.
  user._comboStacks = user._comboStacks || 0;
  // Get the current number of stacks. Min 0, Max 10.
  var stacks = user._comboStacks.clamp(0, 10);
  // Calculate the extra damage rate from Combo stacks.
  var rate = 1.00 + stacks * 0.10;
  // Round the damage upward.
  value = Math.ceil(value * rate);
  // Increase stack count.
  stacks += 1;
  // Set stack count min to 0, max to 10.
  stacks = stacks.clamp(0, 10);
  // Set the combo counter for the state.
  user.setStateCounter(stateId, 'x' + stacks);
  // Apply stack count to user's combo count.
  user._comboStacks = stacks;
</Custom Confirm Effect>

Place these notetags inside of your Combo Skill’s notebox. Change the values in red to match the demands of your game.

<Custom Requirement>
// Defaults user's combo stacks to 0.
user._comboStacks = user._comboStacks || 0;
// Set condition to whether or not the combo stacks are above 2.
value = user._comboStacks >= 2;
</Custom Requirement>

<Custom Execution>
// Defaults user's combo stacks to 0.
user._comboStacks = user._comboStacks || 0;
// Get user's combo stacks.
var stacks = user._comboStacks;
// Reduce user's combo stacks.
stacks -= 2;
// Set stack count min to 0, max to 10.
stacks = stacks.clamp(0, 10);
// Get Combo Attack state ID.
var comboStateId = 136;
// Set the combo counter for the state.
user.setStateCounter(comboStateId, 'x' + stacks);
// Apply stack counter to user's combo count.
user._comboStacks = stacks;
</Custom Execution>

Happy comboing!

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