Tips & Tricks – No Kill Like Overkill (Borderlands 2) – RPG Maker MV

Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

In Borderlands 2, when a unit is killed with No Kill Like Overkill, excess damage is stored for the next attack making it better to not skimp on using lesser attacks to efficiently kill enemies. Here’s how to recreate the effect in RPG Maker MV!

You can grab the copy/paste code here: 

Place the following code into your No Kill Like Overkill Skill. Change the values in red to fit your game’s settings.

<Pre-Damage Eval>
// Get the target's current HP.
target._currentHp = target.hp;
</Pre-Damage Eval>

<Post-Damage Eval>
// Check if the target's current HP was positive and is now 0 or lower.
if (target._currentHp && target.hp <= 0) {
  // If it is, calculate the different between the damage dealt and the former current HP.
  var dmg = target.result().hpDamage - target._currentHp;
  // If the damage value was greater than zero...
  if (dmg > 0) {
    // Then declare the Overkill State ID.
    var overkillStateId = 152;
    // Add the state to the user.
    // Set the user's overkill damage bonus to the damage difference.
    user._overkillBonus = dmg;
    // Play an animation on the user.
target._currentHp = undefined;
</Post-Damage Eval>

Place the following code into your Overkill state’s notebox. Change the values in red to fit your game’s settings.

<Custom Confirm Effect>
// Check if the action deals damage to HP.
if (this.isHpEffect() && value > 0) {
  // Default the overkill bonus to 0 if it doesn't exist.
  user._overkillBonus = user._overkillBonus || 0;
  // Add the overkill damage bonus to the current damage. It will cap at 5 times the damage dealt.
  value += Math.min(value * 5, user._overkillBonus);
  // Play an extra animation on the target.
</Custom Confirm Effect>

Happy overkilling!

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