Tips & Tricks – Single Target Provoke – RPG Maker MV

Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

While Taunt gets every opposing foe to target a unit, single-target provokes will only get one foe to target a unit. There’s advantages to both. Here’s how to create a single-target provoke effect in RPG Maker MV!

You can grab the copy/paste code here: 

Insert the following code into your Provoke state’s notebox.

<Ignore Physical Taunt>
<Ignore Magical Taunt>
<Ignore Certain Taunt>

<Custom Action Start Effect>
// Get current action.
var action = user.currentAction();
// Check if action exists, for an opponent, and that the provoker isn't on the same team
if (action && action.isForOpponent() && origin.isActor() !== user.isActor()) {
</Custom Action Start Effect>


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