Tips & Tricks – Negative Ions (Champions Online) – RPG Maker MV

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Today’s Tips & Tricks effect comes from Champions Online, known as Negative Ions. When a target is affected by this state: Negative Ions, a portion of that damage will be shot off and hit another random target. After that, Negative Ions is removed.

You can grab the copy/paste code here: Insert the following Lunatic Mode code into the Negative Ion’s state. Change the values in red to reflect the settings of your game.

<Custom Respond Effect>
// Get the current elements from the action.
var elements = this.getItemElements();
// Get the element ID of the lightning element.
var lightningId = 9;
// Check if the target took lightning HP damage.
if (elements.contains(lightningId) && target.result().hpDamage > 0) {
  // Calculate the damage to be dispersed.
  var dmg = Math.ceil(target.result().hpDamage * 0.50);
  // Get the target's allies.
  var group = target.friendsUnit().aliveMembers();
  // Remove the target from the group.
  group.splice(group.indexOf(target), 1);
  // Get a random member of the group.
  var member = group[Math.floor(Math.random() * group.length)];
  // Check if the random member exists.
  if (member) {
    // Remove the state from the target.
    // Calculate the damage applying the lightning elemental rate to the random member.
    dmg = Math.ceil(dmg * member.elementRate(lightningId));
    // Start an animation on the random member.
    // Reduce that random member's HP.
    // Show a damage popup.
    // Check if the random member is dead...
    if (member.isDead()) {
      // And if it is, collapse that random member.
    // Clear the results.
</Custom Respond Effect>

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