Tips & Tricks – Berserker Power – RPG Maker MV

Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

Ever wanted to create a berserker class who deals more damage the lower the berserker’s HP is? Here’s how you can do that with RPG Maker MV!

You can grab the copy/paste code here: Insert the following code into your Berserker Power passive state’s notebox. Change the values in red to fit your game’s settings.

<Custom Confirm Effect>
// Check if the damage dealt deals physical HP damage.
if (this.isPhysical() && this.isHpEffect() && value > 0) {
  // Base the bonus damage off of the user's HP rate.
  value *= 2.00 - user.hpRate();
  // Add bonus damage equal to the user's missing HP.
  value += (user.mhp - user.hp) * 0.50;
  // Round up the calculations.
  value = Math.ceil(value);
</Custom Confirm Effect>


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