Tips & Tricks – Statikk Shiv (League of Legends) – RPG Maker MV

Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

The Statikk Shiv is a weapon from League of Legends. As time passes, it increases in charge counter. From basic attacks, the charge counter also increases. Once the weapon reaches 100 statikk charge, the next basic attack will proc a statikk shock across 5 random enemies!

You can grab the copy/paste code here! 

Copy and paste this into your Statikk Shiv passive state!

<Custom Regenerate Effect>
// Increase the state counter by 6.
user.addStateCounter(stateId, 6);
// Set the minimum and maximum counter to 0 - 100.
user.clampStateCounter(stateId, 0, 100);
</Custom Regenerate Effect>

<Custom Confirm Effect>
// Check if this is a basic attack and that the user and target are on different teams.
if (this.isAttack() && target.isActor() !== user.isActor()) {
  // Increase the state counter by 6.
  user.addStateCounter(stateId, 12);
  // Set the minimum and maximum counter to 0 - 100.
  user.clampStateCounter(stateId, 0, 100);
  // Check if the counter is full (at 100).
  if (user.getStateCounter(stateId) >= 100) {
    // Clear the state counter.
    // Determine the thunder element ID used for shock.
    var elementId = 5;
    // Damage formula used for the shock effect.
    var damage = user.mat * 2;
    // Check if a critical hit landed.
    if (target.result().critical) {
      // Apply critical damage.
      damage = this.applyCritical(damage);
    // Get all of the alive members from the opponent's unit.
    var members = this.opponentsUnit().aliveMembers();
    // Remove the main target from the member list.
    members.splice(members.indexOf(target), 1);
    // Play the shock animation on the target.
    // Increase the damage received by the shock damage with the thunder multiplier.
    value += Math.ceil(damage * target.elementRate(elementId));
    // 4 other members of the opposite team need to be shocked.
    var extraTargets = 4;
    // Loop each of these 4 members.
    while (extraTargets--) {
      // Get a random member from the opponent's team.
      var member = members[Math.floor(Math.random() * members.length)];
      // Check if the member exists.
      if (member) {
        // Play the shock animation on the random member.
        // Make the random member take damage with the thunder multiplier.
        member.gainHp(-Math.ceil(damage * member.elementRate(elementId)));
        // Start the damage popup on the random member.
        // Clear the random member's results.
        // Remove the random member from the list of valid targets.
        members.splice(members.indexOf(member), 1);
        // Check if the member is dead.
        if (member.isDead()) {
          // If the member is dead, have it collapse.
</Custom Confirm Effect>

Happy shocking!

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