60 search results for "buffs"

Tips & Tricks – Critical Protect – RPG Maker MV

Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

In some games, certain buffs occur automatically once the user reaches critical HP levels. This Tips & Tricks video will show you how to apply a DEF buff on your battlers when their HP drops to under 25%!

You can get the copy/paste code here:  Continue reading

Plugin Updates #194~

Quite a few plugins have been updated tonight!

Message Core – Added a failsafe where if the name box window would be off the screen, it will automatically reposition itself to under the main message window.

Buffs & States Core, Attachable Augments, and Item Durability all got Optimization Updates.

Auto Passive States – Added compatibility functionality for Equip Battle Skills to add the equipped passive states during battle test.

Actor Party Switch – Fixed a bug that caused the on-map party layout to not update if switching has been used in battle.

Event Chase Player – Fixed a bug with this._seePlayer causing them to see stealthed players.

Region Restrictions – Plugin parameters have been upgraded to now accept multiple region ID’s. Insert a space in between them to add more than one region ID.

Plugin Updates as of Launch Date to 2016.08.07~

To download all available plugins, click here.

View the changelog here.

To download all available plugins, click here.

Tips & Tricks – Jump (Final Fantasy 4) – RPG Maker MV

Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

Jump, a skill used by Dragoons from the Final Fantasy series, is a skill that launches the user up into the sky for a few turns. After those turns are up, the user lands on the target dealing significant damage. While the user is up in the air, the user becomes unselectable, making the user immune to damage and status effects.

** NOTE ** If you are using ATB or CTB, make sure under Battle Engine Core, you have Timed States and Timed Buffs set to true. This effect should work fine with DTB or any other turn based system.

You can grab the copy/paste code here:

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Plugin Updates 188~

Quite a good number of updates tonight. Some of which are bug fixes while others have new features added:

The Class Change Core and Subclass plugins get a new notetag: <Use Nickname> notetag for classes. If this notetag is used inside of a class’s notebox, the class display name will show the actor’s nickname instead of the class’s name.

The Buffs & States Core gets a new parameter: Show Buff Rate. This will display the current buff or debuff rate on the buff icon. If an actor is reduced to have 75% ATK, it will display 75% on the icon. If the actor is buffed to 125%, it will display 125%.

The Damage Core had a lot of the earlier damage steps revamped. If you’re updating from an old version, please update the these manually:

  • Step 1: baseDamage = this.modifyBaseDamage(value, baseDamage, target);
  • Step 2: baseDamage *= this.calcElementRate(target);
  • Steps 3 through 5: (empty)
  • Step 6: critical = this.modifyCritical(critical, baseDamage, target);
  • Step 7: target.result().critical = critical;
  • Step 8: value = baseDamage;

This change was made to Element Absorb and Disperse Damage better. This damage step change is also more efficient in calculating damage effects that alters the baseDamage.

Selection Control gets a few new features. I’ve added ‘Physical Weapon Range’ and ‘Default Weapon Range’ parameters. These parameters are used for the new Select Condition: ‘Weapon Range’, which will determine the range of a skill based on the weapon’s range (melee or ranged) and allow which enemies the battler can select. I’ve also added <Weapon Ranged> for Skills and Items. This will make the skill/item be range dependent on the weapon equipped (or if the enemy is ranged) and <Melee> and <Ranged> notetags added for weapons and enemies. This will give weapons and enemies melee or ranged attributes.

Weapon Animation had a bug that caused the <Weapon Animation: x> notetag to not work when used by enemies. It’s now fixed.

For the Party System, I’ve fixed a bug that caused party members to not index themselves properly in battle. When in battle, actor index will now refer to the index of their battle member positions.

The Row Formation plugin also gets a documentation update for ‘SetEnemyRow slotId x’ plugin command.

Plugin Updates as of Launch Date to 2016.06.27~

To download all available plugins, click here.

View the changelog here.

To download all available plugins, click here.

Tips & Tricks – Topsy-Turvy (Pokémon) – RPG Maker MV

Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

Topsy-Turvy is a skill from Pokémon that flips a target’s buffs and changes into them into debuffs. Likewise, the debuffs on the target will flip and change into buffs. Here’s how you can create such an effect in RPG Maker MV!

Here’s the copy/paste version of the code:  Continue reading

Plugin Updates 177~

A couple of updates today. The Battle Select Cursor gets a bug fixed, which previously caused a battle to crash if an actor left the part mid-battle. The Buffs & States Core gets a bug fixed that prevented the screen from flashing if poisoned on the field map.

Plugin Updates as of Launch Date to 2016.05.26~

To download all available plugins, click here.

View the changelog here.

To download all available plugins, click here.

Plugin Updates 168~

A couple of updates made tonight. The Buffs & States Core gets an anti-crash method added to it in case anyone is using a plugin that happens to utilize battler sprites that don’t have battlers attached to them. The Selection Control gets a couple of updates to make them work with the Bypass and Ignore Taunt notetags from the YEP_Taunt plugin. The Part Limit Gauge gets bug fixes done to plugin commands that prevented them from working properly.

Plugin Updates as of Launch Date to 2016.05.10~

To download all available plugins, click here.

View the changelog here.

To download all available plugins, click here.

Plugin Updates 163~

The Limited Skill Uses plugin gets an update to the documentation on an incorrect categorization for a Lunatic Mode effect. This documentation is now updated properly.

The Buffs & States Core gets a big update for Lunatic Mode users. States are now able to display counters. State Counters are newly added features to suplement states. They are used purely in custom manners, which means they do not serve any function by themselves. State Counters can be used to note a number of stacks, a stored percentage, display a message, etc. All of it is purely updated based on JavaScript functions. You can find out more information about them in the help file!

Plugin Updates as of Launch Date to 2016.04.30~

To download all available plugins, click here.

View the changelog here.

To download all available plugins, click here.

Tips & Tricks – Runic Blade Remade (Final Fantasy 6)

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Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

As a lot of users were having problems making the original Runic Blade Tips & Tricks, this verison is remade using the Buffs & States Core for more control and flexibility including better ease of use. Runic Blade is a skill that provides the user with a magical taunt. It will also nullify any magical damage and absorb the skill’s MP cost for the affected user, too.

You can get the copy/paste version here:

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Plugin Updates 150~

The Buffs & States Core gets an update for anyone who’s using Lunatic Mode and adding states through its effects. Previously, depending on the priority setting and ID order, adding the states mid-way can cause potential shifts in the state loop, which can cause some effects to be skipped over. The newest update should remedy that!~

Plugin Updates as of Launch Date to 2016.04.14~

To download all available plugins, click here.

View the changelog here.

To download all available plugins, click here.

YEP.89 – State Categories

Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

You can grab the plugin here:

English Mirror

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This plugin allows you to set categories for your states. They can be one category, multiple categories, or no categories. With this in mind, there’s a few new features this plugin provides that pertains to this category system such as removal of states under a certain category and the ability to have them bypass certain key removal aspects such as on Death removal or Recover All removal.

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YEP.86 – Base Parameter Control

Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

You can grab the plugin here:

English Mirror

The base parameters, MaxHP, MaxMP, ATK, DEF, MAT, MDF, AGI, and LUK all play a very important part of battle, yet, so very little control is given to the developer in regards to these important stats. This plugin will give more control over how the stats are handled and more.

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Plugin Updates 130~

A couple of updates tonight! Tick-Based Regen gets an update to fix a bug that prevented custom Leave Effects from the Buffs & States Core to not proc. Event Chase Player gets an update to the chaser/fleer AI. While chasing, the chaser will have better pathfinding by utilizing the pathfinding AI that the player character uses when you click on a part of the map. The difference here is that the event will be chasing the player location instead. When fleeing, the fleeing event will occasionally run a random direction and not exactly 180 degrees away from the player. This is to prevent the event from suddenly running into a single tree while the player walks up to it from behind, when its options for escaping were definitely there.

Plugin Updates as of Launch Date to 2016.03.11~

To download all available plugins, click here.

View the changelog here.

To download all available plugins, click here.

Plugin Updates 127~

Ever since the version 1.1.0 update for RPG Maker MV, there were only a couple of plugins that needed updating. However, I decided to dig a little bit deeper and one of the core aspects regarding Database loading for RPG Maker MV has been updated to not reset uncontrollably. That said, I’ve decided that the following (big) list of plugins could use an update to make the loading process more efficient. And while these plugins are updated for v1.1.0, if you decide to stick with RPG Maker v1.0.0 for whatever reason, these plugins will still work for your project so fret not! However, I do recommend the update to a higher RPG Maker MV version for the awesome new features!

Plugin Updates as of Launch Date to 2016.03.04~

To download all available plugins, click here.

View the changelog here.

To download all available plugins, click here.

YEP.76 – Tick-Based Regeneration

Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

You can grab the plugin here:

English Mirror

For those running a Tick-Based Battle System with the Battle Engine Core (ie. Active Turn Battle or Charge Turn Battle), this will automatically set your states for Turn End timings to use a Time Based system, but in turn, causes regeneration effects to occur individually. Continue reading