101 search results for "option"

Yanfly Engine Plugins – Batch Update #6 – RPG Maker MV

Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

You can grab the updated plugins here:

  1. Battle Select Cursor
  2. Auto Switches
  3. Animated Tile Option
  4. New Game+
  5. Event Encounter Aid
  6. Equip Battle Skills – Allowed Types
  7. Element Core
  8. Actor Party Switch
  9. Common Event Menu Setup Pack 2
  10. Call Event
  11. Icon Balloons
  12. Load Custom Fonts
  13. Self Switches and Variables
  14. Visual State Effects
  15. In-Battle Status
  16. Grid-Free Doodads
  17. Passive Aura Effects
  18. Vehicle Restrictions
  19. Weak Enemy Poses
  20. Repel & Lure Encounters

To download all available plugins, click here.

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RPG Maker MV’s 1.5.0 update contains a lot of new features. Of which, the newest plugin parameters add to a lot of quality of life updates. Yanfly and co. will be working on updating the existing plugins to access these new features!

Yanfly Engine Plugins – Batch Update #5 – RPG Maker MV

Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

You can grab the updated plugins here:

  1. FPS Synch Option
  2. Counter Control
  3. Change Battle Equip
  4. Area of Effect
  5. Hit Accuracy
  6. Base Param Control
  7. Map Select Skill
  8. Picture Common Events
  9. State Categories
  10. Equip Battle Skills
  11. Equip Skill Tiers
  12. Attachable Augments
  13. Force Advantage
  14. Selection Control
  15. Class Base Parameters
  16. Item Disassemble
  17. Equip Customize Command
  18. Common Event Menu
  19. Common Event Menu Setup Pack 1
  20. Save Core

To download all available plugins, click here.

Support Team Yanfly on Patreon

RPG Maker MV’s 1.5.0 update contains a lot of new features. Of which, the newest plugin parameters add to a lot of quality of life updates. Yanfly and co. will be working on updating the existing plugins to access these new features!

YEP.150 – DragonBones Integration – RPG Maker MV

Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

You can grab the plugin here:

English Mirror

Download one of the following two:

Support Team Yanfly on Patreon

DragonBones allows your games to use skeletal animation, a type of computer animation in which a character (or object) is represented by skins/textures and a digital set of interconnected bones (called the skeleton). Using a set of instructions, the game will create animations based off these skins, skeletons, and instructions to create beautifully smooth and light-weight movements.

This plugin, made by TheGreenKel, and collaborated with Yanfly, will allow you to use skeletal animations made by DragonBones for your battle system! This means that with skeletal animation, you can make your battles look extremely fluid, more flexible animations outside of only 3 frames per motion, more than 18 possible motions, get rid of sprite based resources for faster loading times, and smaller file sizes for your games! In other words, there’s practically no drawback to using it provided you have the resources.

This is a collaboration plugin by TheGreenKel and Yanfly to ensure compatibility with the Yanfly Engine Plugins library.

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YEP.147 – Difficulty Slider – RPG Maker MV

Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

You can grab the plugin here:

English Mirror

Support Team Yanfly on Patreon

Sometimes, players would like to be able to increase or decrease the difficulty of your game at their own accord. The Difficulty Slider becomes a feature accessible from the game’s option menu with this plugin installed. There, the player is able to alter the level of the enemies that appear in battle within a certain range (set by you, the developer).  Continue reading

YEP.146 – Item Rename – RPG Maker MV

Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

You can grab the plugin here:

English Mirror

Support Team Yanfly on Patreon

In games with a lot of items, weapons, and/or pieces of armors being used all the time, simply remembering which one is which can prove to be a hard task for some players. By giving the player the ability to rename the said item, weapon, and/or armor, the player is able to develop his/her own way to commit the object to memory and personalize the object even more.

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YEP.143 – Item Discard – RPG Maker MV

Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

You can grab the plugin here:

English Mirror

Support Team Yanfly on Patreon!

Discarding items in RPG Maker MV isn’t possible default. In order to get rid of items, players must either use them or sell them but cannot directly discard them. This plugin uses the extra menu commands provided by the Item Core plugin by Yanfly to add a Discard option, allowing players to select however many items they wish to discard and do so. The player can set the quantity values by highlighting the Discard option and pressing left/right to adjust the discard quantity.

This is a collaboration plugin by Sylvester and Yanfly to ensure compatibility with the Yanfly Engine Plugins library. Continue reading

YEP.132 – Battle BGM Control – RPG Maker MV

Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

You can grab the plugin here:

English Mirror

Download Luc’s battle themes!

Support Team Yanfly on Patreon.

This plugin lets you assign certain BGM’s to certain troops so that they will play from the map transition into the battle. Furthermore, when a major enemy’s HP is reduced to certain values, the battle BGM can change as well. This will help add extra feeling to the battle and make battle BGM’s less monotonous for longer battles.

This is a collaboration plugin by Chickie and Yanfly to ensure compatibility with the Yanfly Engine Plugins library.  Continue reading

YEP.126 – Extended Move Pack 1 – RPG Maker MV

Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

You can grab the plugin here:

English Mirror

This plugin adds extra simplified move routes for your events with the main intention of creating specific behaviors in movement patterns. The patterns include the option to hug a side of the wall and move along that, moving a single direction until coming to a stop, relative opacity adjusting, and index shifting.

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Plugin Updates 2017.02.06

A few plugins have been updated.

Instant Cast received a pre-emptive compatibility update for a plugin that is to come out in the near future. 😀

FPS Synch Option, however received an update to actually prevent it from being ran when a project’s base code is MV 1.0.0. This is because too many users ignore the warning found on the actual FPS Synch Option plugin page itself, and as a result, make “bug reports” for an issue that is solved by simply updating the project files.

Save Event Locations receives a bug fix where if an event whose location is to be saved starts with a direction other than down, the direction would be overwritten when loaded.

Plugin Updates as of Launch Date to 2017.02.07~

To download all available plugins, click here.

View the changelog here.

To download all available plugins, click here.

YEP.122 – Extended Doodad Pack 1 – RPG Maker MV

Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

You can grab the plugin here:

English Mirror

This plugin allows you to add more options to the settings menu in the doodads editor. This allows you to set the tone for doodads to change them into colors that hues will not allow, the option for doodads to appear under certain switch conditions, whether or not party members have joined.  Continue reading

Plugin Updates #209

We have quite a number of plugin updates today!

The Save Core received an update to have added a ‘Map Display Name’ plugin parameter. Enabling this option will now display the display name for the map instead of the editor name when viewing the save menu.

The Battle Engine Core gets a rare bug fixed, but if it happened once, it can happen again. In the rare case where an action is given to a battler with a skill or item that doesn’t exist, it will crash the game. This is now fixed. This seldom happens and can only be reproduced through very strange means, but that doesn’t mean the bug shouldn’t be taken care of. This ought to remove the bug.

The Buffs & States Core gets a small optimization update.

The Weapon Animation plugin gets a new loading system which loads numeric weapon sheets from the ‘system’ folder as the game’s database is loaded. Previously, these sheets would load during the battle, but if the file size of the weapon sheet is good big, it’ll appear at an incorrect size as it isn’t loaded in time. Now, the system will load the weapon sheets (if not already loaded) during database initialization.

The Enemy Levels plugin gets a the Enemy Transform event now adjusted for stat changes when transforming into a different enemy. Previously, it would retain the base parameters for the previous enemy.

Picture Common Events got a few bugs fixed thanks to Splendith! These bugs include a bug for events that allow the player to move immediately after pressing the picture common event and a bug for ‘HidePictureCommonEvents’ and ‘ShowPictureCommonEvents’ plugin command that caused normal pictures to hide/show, too.

Plugin Updates as of Launch Date to 2016.12.11~

To download all available plugins, click here.

View the changelog here.

To download all available plugins, click here.

Plugin Updates #208

There’s a couple of plugin updates tonight.

The Core Engine gets a new update to go with the 1.3.2 through 1.3.4 update changes. As many of you may already know, RPG Maker MV shifted to Pixi4 from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2. As a result, some sprites worked differently. In the case that affects the Core Engine plugin, the Tiling Sprite, which is responsible for battle backs, has been changed differently. Those using the scale battle backs option will most likely observe a shift in the sprite’s direction and whatnot. Personally, I think the Tiling Sprite is unnecessary for those using scaled battle backs so a whole sprite setup is used for those with that option. As such, the battle backs will be using regular sprites that are far more controllable (and less likely to break from future updates) than Tiling Sprites (which are more likely to be changed).

That said, while none of the YEP plugins will be affected by this change, anyone who is using Scaled Battle Backs and using plugins that may alter battle backs my experience some incompatibilities. For that, I apologize. But if that is really the case, then the only thing I can really suggest for you to do is to disable Scaled Battle Backs, manually scale the battle backs yourselves, so that way, the default code is used instead. After all, Scaled Battle Backs is made for the convenience of not having to deal with all the trouble of having to manually scale graphics on your own. But if other plugins are causing incompatibilities, then I’m afraid you’ll have to resolve the answer on your own.

The Save Core gets an update that made saving to web keys not working properly. This issue is resolved as of this update.

Weapon Unleash gets a bug fixed for replaced attacks that do not have a selection target. This bug is only present if you use Weapon Unleash without the Target Core and Selection Core plugins. Either way, this bug is fixed as of this update.

Plugin Updates as of Launch Date to 2016.12.04~

To download all available plugins, click here.

View the changelog here.

To download all available plugins, click here.

YEP.120 – Repel Lure Encounters – RPG Maker MV

Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

You can grab the plugin here:

English Mirror

Support Yanfly on Patreon

In RPG Maker MV, you can either choose to enable encounters or disable them completely. However, making a system that repels encounters for a certain amount of steps or increase the encounter rate for a certain amount of steps is a whole different matter. This plugin allows you to create ways to repel encounters, generate lures, and the rate at which lures are done.  Continue reading

Plugin Updates #204

It’s not the usual end of the week update since there was an update made today to RPG Maker MV to version 1.3.2. There’s a lot of things fixed with the engine, but at the same time, there was a huge oversight with one of the design changes they decided to make as it may break a lot of potential plugins out there from working properly.

The main issue I want to address is with the Game_Actor.isSkillLearned function change. Previously, the function worked off of only skills that an actor inherently knows and not skills acquired through equipment temporarily. With the version 1.3.2 update, there is now a function change to now include the acquired skills through traits. The main reason? I suspect it’s to make the conditional branch to check an actor has learned x skill return true.

However, this is problematic for a couple of reasons. A skill that is learned inherently is vastly different than a skill that is acquired temporarily through equipping a piece of equipment, especially if the other functions that utilize Game_Actor.isSkillLearned haven’t been updated. The ones I’m mainly talking about are the actual Game_Actor.learnSkill function and the item effect to teach actor skills through consumable items. Both of those functions check to see if the actor has learned the skill through Game_Actor.isSkillLearned, which means, it can be blocked and cause problems.

You’ll now encounter problems like this:

  1. Harold hasn’t learned the Heal skill.
  2. Harold equips Healing Shield. It gives Harold access to the Heal skill temporarily.
  3. Harold levels to level 5. Level 5 should be when Harold learns the Heal skill.
  4. Harold doesn’t learn the Heal skill inherently because the game now registers him as having learned it through the function update.
  5. Harold unequips the Healing Shield.
  6. Harold no longer has Heal and can’t learn it through leveling anymore.

The Core Engine update will address this issue and fix it. However, it will not revert the Game_Actor.isSkillLearned back to what it was. Instead, the checks inside the functions for learning a skill via levels and consumable item effects will now check for the raw skill library instead. What does this mean? It means those functions will continue working properly. However, other plugins that utilize the Game_Actor.isSkillLearned will need to be updated to check if the raw skill library instead. Yanfly Engine Plugins will be updated to check for this. but other plugins not made by me won’t necessarily have it updated. Keep that in mind as you use other plugins.

The Message Core gets a compatibility update with Message Macros for ‘Name Box Auto Close’ option. This is so that text macros made by the Macro Messages plugin will now be transferred properly for the Name Box Auto Close parameter.

The Battle Engine Core gets an update to match the RPG Maker MV 1.3.2 changes for counters and reflected actions.

The Animated Sideview Enemies plugin gets updated. The RPG Maker MV 1.3.2 update broke animated sideview enemies causing them to stagger back and forth. This update should get it fixed.

The Counter Control plugin gets an update to match the RPG Maker MV 1.3.2 changes for counters.

The Victory Aftermath plugin gets an update for the RPG Maker MV 1.3.2 change to measure skill change differences that would have been blocked by temporarily learned skills acquired through traits.

Limited Skill Uses gets a compatibility update with Equip Battle Skills and Equip Skill Tiers. Before, skills that were used that weren’t equipped wouldn’t reset after battle. Now, it should happen for all skills.

The Skill Learn System plugin gets an update for the RPG Maker MV 1.3.2 change to detect skill learning that would have been blocked by temporarily learned skills acquired through traits.

The Passive Aura Effects plugin gets a bug fix that would conflict with Taunt and Selection Control plugins making some aura effects randomly disappear.

Equip Battle Skills gets an update for the RPG Maker MV 1.3.2 changes as well. Likewise with Equip Skill Tiers.

Grid-Free Doodads gets its first update fixed a bug that caused doodads to overlap onto the other border of the map if it was clipped off.

Whew! That’s quite a few changes. I hope everybody’s update to MV 1.3.2 transitions smoothly!

Plugin Updates as of Launch Date to 2016.10.20~

To download all available plugins, click here.

View the changelog here.

To download all available plugins, click here.

YEP.116 – Grid-Free Doodads – RPG Maker MV

Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

You can download the plugin here:

English Mirror

Doodads.json File
Doodad Starting Pack

THIS REQUIRES RPG MAKER MV 1.3.0 OR ABOVE TO WORK! Please check your rpg_core.js file to make sure it says 1.3.0 or above. If it isn’t updated, visit this thread for the update.

In RPG Maker MV, tilesets are used for mapping purposes. Tileset A is used for drawing land while Tilesets B through E are used to add doodads. But in RPG Maker MV, doodads added by Tilesets B through E are locked to the grid and add a rather unnatural feel to it. This plugin will allow you to break free of the grid and add doodads unbound by the grid. Doodads can come in all forms, from large to small, static and animated, you name it!

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